She's not afraid

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I opened my eyes to see Harry's face in front of mine, his eye flickered constantly from green to red. "Yeah so what?" 

"You're supposed to stay in the room we put you in but you did a very good job of making it this far, perhaps I should punish you though" his face moved towards my neck, I tried fighting against his strength but it was no use, he was too strong. I could feel his breath against my neck "hmm you smell so nice Katie, I can see how Niall was able to pick you up so easily in your home town" 

"W-w-what do you mean by that?"

"Hmm you'll find out soon enough, but I think I've almost done enough for today, to scare you into staying, well almost" His lips touched my neck and I froze, fear running through my body, the first thing I thought to do was to raise my leg, I quickly made the movement and when I felt his grip loosen and heard a grunt from his mouth fall I legged it. I opened the door as quick as I could, I was certain that I had to make it back home I just had to, but my ideas were crushed when another person stopped my attempt. "Oh Katie, you've really done it now" I was stopped by a figure and then picked up "Hey let go of me!" I looked up to see Niall, I instantly for some odd reason felt ashamed of myself "Why aren't you letting me go home Niall?"

"Something that I will explain once I've gotten you back inside" I dipped my head down as Niall carried me back inside, hearing the door slam behind us only made me more sad and more worried for my life. The boys gathered in the same room I was first in one by one "we've got our selfs a tough one boys this is gonna be a challenge" 

"Harry shut, you've already scared the girl enough"

"Oh come on, I'm not really like that I just wanted to see how feisty she is" I stared at Harry in pure bliss, they heard me the whole time? They knew I had left the room yet they let me get as far as I did, giving me that small piece of hope just so he could crush it with his own hands. "Katie listen, everything I'm going to tell might not only seem unreal but it will also change your life forever" 

"Right well don't tell me then"


"If you don't tell me, then nothing has to change, I'll keep my mouth shut about the kidnapping and we can go on our merry ways" 

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as that Katie, thats why you need to listen" Liam spoke with such authority, I can see why they call him daddy direction. "Ugh fine"

"Right here it goes, you see the real reason I was in Aberdeen the other day was to find you, Katie, you see me and the boys we aren't exactly human"



"Oh for god sake Niall, Katie we are vampires okay, we have to have human blood to survive, we don't kill though we never do, even though practicing a hunt is always fun" I groan at Harry knowing what he was speaking about from earlier's incident. "Okay so how does this involve me?"

"Like Niall said he was looking for you, because we are a supernatural species there also comes more crazy supernatural things like mates, every vampire has one, but sometimes just sometimes two vampires have the same mate, now the choices were as follow, that mate has to either chose one, both or neither or them at all"

"You see Katie, this is rare, but it has happened before and we only discovered this when you came to the concert lat night, but we believe you are all of our mate"

"I'm what?" 

"I'm sorry Katie, this means you will be with us for the rest of your life unless you decide to reject us that is, however you can't reject us just yet, you have to spend a minimum of three months with us, before deciding that is the rules unless you want to die"

"Wait, what? why?"

"Now that we have discovered we are mates with you and your body has recognised us, your body will want to be around us 24/7, if a mate is not around their mate then it will cause the body to grow weak, and slowly but surely die"

"This all sounds so crazy honestly, I don't know how to process this information, so you are saying I need to come with you guys for the next three months, there is no way my brother will let me go!"

"That doesn't matter to us, we'll contact him with minimal information to let him know you aren't going to be home for a while, and don't worry about your stuff we can buy you new clothes and shoes and anything you want" I sighed, I knew in the back of my head that he wouldn't fall for that though, I've already sent him a text of warning and I'm hopeful he took this seriously. "Anyway we are leaving for America today and we've already got your passport so we are sorted to go!" my eyes widened in shock, we were really leaving already, but once we leave the UK my sim won't work anymore! shit I had to think of something, Wifi! they'll have wifi there and I'll be able to access it from a Starbucks or costa or something over there I'm sure. 

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