Story of my life

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The rest of the day went by really quickly, which I was grateful for to be honest everything has been so eventful today and it's the first day back and that usually means that the rest of the year will be the exact same and I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle that. The last bell went at the end of the day and as I mad my way into the car park I got a text from Chris 'stay in the car park I'm picking you up on my way home from work so you can look after Ross tonight' I sighed and sat at the edge of the car park waiting for him to show up, he pulled up in his car and I got in as quick as I could. "So how was your day today lil sis?"

"Um... it was okay?"

"Sorry for me asking and trying to be a good big brother" 

"Sorry... I didn't realise" he just chuckled and drove quickly, he pulled up outside the house and out the keys into my hand "Ross is inside with Joanna, just go inside and she'll leave I'll catch you later" I nodded and got out so quickly I couldn't believe how fast I was, I unlocked the door and was instantly faced by the brothers girlfriend she gave me a fake smile and quickly rushed past me to get to the car. I turned to Ross who seemed overly joyed by the fact that she was gone now, I giggled and tried to be the happy big sister that he loves to see. 

I settled Ross on to the couch with some kiddy tv programmes as I started to make dinner for the two of us when the door bell went, I stopped what I was doing and headed over to the door to see John, "Hi...John what you doing here?"

"I said I would come over didn't I?"

"Oh yeah sorry come in" He smiled as I stepped aside for him to come and his smile got bigger when he heard "Johnny!" 

"Ross hows my little bro?"

"I'm happy, super happy!" I smiled and went back to what I was doing, I was going to be making some pasta with a cheese sauce when I remembered we were really low on milk "Hey John I just need to pop to the shop to get some milk do you mind staying here and watching Ross?"

"yeah no bother"

"Okay great I'll be back soon" I headed out the front door and quickly sped towards the corner shop, I walked through a little shortcut alley way when I bumped into someone by accident "Oh sorry my bad" he turned and looked at me, my eyes met his and all I saw were these piercing blue eyes. "No,no it's fine I'm actually a little lost what way is it back into the centre of this town?" 

"Um the main road is this way I'll take you there and then you'll have to follow it by yourself because I'm only going to the shops" 

"Okay thank you....?"

"Oh um..I shouldn't really tell you my name you are a stranger" he giggled as we started walking towards the main road "yeah well I would like to be able to thank you properly at least"

"Okay its Katie"

"Nice to meet you Katie my name is Niall"

"Unusual name, I like it and is that a accent that I can hear?"

"Oh yeah I'm from Ireland" 

"Nice" the rest of the walk was silence it wasn't far to be honest so I didn't mind it, but he kept looking at my face, he was curious about something or he just liked my face. I turned us on to the main road just beside the corner shop "Right well if you follow the road to centre then you should be fine this is where I leave and get the milk I'm supposed to get for dinner"

"Right well thank you Katie I'm hope to see you again soon sometime" I just smiled and walked away, my heart made a flutter when he said my name and it made me very confused. I had never felt these feelings before in my entire life, I quickly went inside and got the milk and decided to jog home to get home quicker. 

"Hey what took you so long?"

"Sorry John, I bumped into someone who was lost and I had to help them to the main road"

"Oh its fine, don't worry Katie just this little one  was getting worried on where you were" and next thing I know Ross was jumping out at me expecting this massive hug when I could only take him in one arm. "Now come on lets get dinner finished then shall we?" I placed him down and got on with making the pasta, "So who needed your help then?"

"Oh just this guy who looked really lost in the alley way he said he needed to head towards the centre so I just made him follow me to the main road and just pointed him in the right direction"

"Oh easy enough then" I just smiled confused why he was so hung on to this whole random guy asked for some help thing. The rest of the evening went by slow, John kept trying to lean closer to me for some odd reason but Ross was there to always distract him and after a while I could see frustration on John's face. It was getting late so I decided to put Ross to bed otherwise he will be grumpy for Chris the next day and the last time that happened I got proper grounded for a week and made abuse. "Hey John is it alright if you can get going I'm really tired and am kinda wanting to get some sleep" 

"Oh yeah alright thats fine don't worry" walked him to the door and stood at the side as he turned around to me and hugged me "I had a goodnight Katie, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course always for school" 

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