Chapter 14

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         A tall, thick wall was blocking our way. This was it – our destination – MELAXO. There seemed to be no entry point of any kind, but Natalie asked me to follow her to the right side. We walked few hundred meters and I noticed a vent, which was blocked by a huge propeller. It was off and for Natalie, it was an easy job to remove it for us to enter the building. For my big body, the vent system was very tight and moving through it was uncomfortable. We made few turns and she motioned for me to drop down in one of the openings ahead. I was glad to finally get out of this tight place.

     I landed on a dark grey concrete floor and saw a long corridor spreading to both sides. No doors, only this very industrial looking hallway. Dim lights were shining from a ceiling and casting our spooky shadows on the floor. My companion was making her way to the right side of the path. A double door blocked our route and Natalie pressed a code on a manual, it opened immediately. The corridors split in to many more on other side, doors were scattered along the walls. It gave an impression of a prison. The silence consuming the air was eerie, as we were not able to hear sound of machines nor people, this factory seemed to be abandoned.

„Why no one is here?" my curiosity got better of me.

„These are just lower floors of the factory. The rooms are not in use for many years. Everything is located higher up – offices, halls, storage rooms and robots. Just keep following me. The place we need to be is not too far."

     It was painful to follow her and to not know, how far and where was a place. I had to keep running after her like a pet. The idea of being your own master was intriguing, but no matter what, I will not change my thoughts about Kyra. She is always going to be my rightful owner and a person I would obey.

Right now, I have to get used to be on my own and make my own decisions. As far as it concerns Natalie, I will do as she says as long as it benefits me in some way.

     We used the stairs to get to upper floors. I could hear a distant chatting somewhere deeper in a building. So we are getting closer. The higher up we got, the more brighter the factory seemed to get. It still had a very heavy industrial vibe, but the walls were made of thick matted metal and the floor was dull silver color. Some rooms were separated only by glass walls and it reminded me Natalie's own laboratory. Again, it was an early morning and nobody was in sight. Natalie seemed to prefer dawn for her little missions. I suppose, she knows their general work schedule.

      We reached the very last room. Entrance was blocked by the security code, but she had that ready again. Behind them was a hall full with robots. They looked like human skeletons, but black in color, attached to their own support system. My sight was focused on them, their body type and overall appearance. Perfect, just what I need. Strong and agi...

„Bryce? What are you doing?" Natalie whispered to me.

    I averted my eyes away from machines and eyed a woman: „Nothing. Just examining. I have never seen them in this state." I lied to her, so she does not probe me with more questions.

    She opened a box, which she was carrying with her. Out came the same spider like robot. She have told me earlier, that a container under his belly is filled with the smaller machines and their job is to find the main microchip of the individual robots and attach themselves to it ,along with a dose of virus they are carrying. And later, it is just a waiting game. Robot activation and the further development of the SEB. Though, they will never be like me. The dose is too small to make so drastic changes in their body and she has not so many resources to get everyone to the infectious stage as mine. But the SEB still does the job of changing their behavior and gives them consciousness.

    The spider takes it's way through every MELAXO robot, and as I zoom in, I can see the smaller ones scattering around, making their way to the heads of the hanging machines. Some of them swarm over one, but as soon as the infecting is done, the others head for their next prey.

„Natalie? Does your virus work only on inactivated robots?"

„I don't know. They are the only ones I have tried to infect. About already functioning ones – I haven't thought about it."

„Sebastian – he was already on, when you infected him, right? So there should not be a problem with other ones." I tried to appear casual, as I asked these very important questions.

„Yeah! You are right. I forgot about him. It was so many years ago. May I ask, why do want to know these things?"

„There is no reason. It just seems interesting."

Natalie is so nosy.

„Somebody is coming!" I whisper loud enough for Natalie to hear.

„I don't hear anything."

     I push her aside just in time, as a door opens. I am faced with a robot, simple machine, with no clothing, his face and rest of the body plain looking. It notices me and I am completely sure, he is going to contact somebody through his communication system. Few feet are separating us. This situation is dangerous. We can get caught, the worst, somebody can get injured. Luckily, he has not seen Natalie standing behind one of the inactivated robot corpses.

     Without thinking, my hand slams hard against the side of his head. It crashes against the wall, bits of pieces are falling down from his face and the injured part of his head. A robot wobbles on his feet for a moment and then his body falls hard on the ground. There are few twitches coming from his body. Natalie walks out of her hiding spot, her hands are trembling, as she is looking at the robot and at me. I look back at the dead and now I notice a damage done to the wall, where his head made a contact with it. Metal is bent in a shape of it's head, few cracks are going out from the point of impact. I had used all my force to kill this robot, without realizing it.

„B...B..Bryce! I think we need to leave." Natalie said in barely audible whisper. Her voice was wavering a bit and she passed me quick not even taking her time to to look at me.


On the way home, Natalie's form was tense and she said not a single word this time. Scared, I could tell that. But if I hadn't removed the threat, we would be in a whole new mess. Now she was sitting on her bed, deep in thought.

I should leave her alone, to let her take everything in. I have got my new clothes and I was planning to go outside. I had to meet somebody.

„I will take a stride outside, will be back soon."

She looked at me, startled from her thoughts, her face full of worry. I did not bother to wait for her response or anything and left her hideout in order to see them.

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