Chapter 15

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        Walking through streets of Amber was risky in broad daylight. Pathways were full with people, doing their daily businesses. No one seemed to notice, people paid no attention to me. My black hooded jacket was plain looking and didn't draw the looks of humans around. I kept my face low, hood covering my eyes. My walk was casual, with no particular goal evident in it, to give the impression of simply wandering around the city. Though, I had a clear destination in my mind.

      Sun was shining bright, reflecting almost nonexistent clouds on the glass buildings around. Amber is beautiful, but human made, like everything else. Nothing here is natural. Only these human beings. Is there place in a world, where everything is still organic? Like Kyra's greenhouse? The trees, bushes and other plants growing abundantly, their roots spreading through soil, connected with each other. I understand Kyra very well. She loves the greens, the life in general, it is very precious to her. Even the artificial life. I felt it too on the last time I spent my time in the oasis. Being there, gave me loads of energy, without a struggle to acquire it. It gives so much, and asks so little in return, just a moment of attention and than the life takes off on it's own.

     I pass a painted wall, the sun rays are hitting hard on the bright colors. People, flowers, words are pictured on the polished grey bricks. A whole story it could be, for someone's rich imagination. Digital posters are scattered along the edges of the artwork. Famous people, events in Amber, and.... My eyes land on the very last one. The sun is making hard to see the person pictured in it, but for me this human seems familiar. Dark brown, wavy hair, round face. I walk closer and I finally see it.... her.... Kyra. Why is she on this poster?

       A stranger walks past me and blocks the rays of sun. With big letters written on the poster – WANTED. It looks badly done and I am sure it is not made professionally. Somebody is hunting for her. Is it for the same reason as her nonexistent connection with SEB virus? Are these the same people? How can they believe to such stupid lies? I can feel my mind being taken over by my emotions. I keep repeating myself, that this is public space. It would be the worst decision to erupt, between the hordes of dumb humans.

A middle aged man walks and stops beside me. He looks at the same picture, after noticing me staring at it. What does he want?

„Beautiful, isn't she?"He looks at me but our eyes do not meet, my hood covering half of my face. „But pretty ugly inside. What have she done to this peaceful city? She have brought only pain and suffering to us. There is no place for her and robots in our society. My wife and kids are scared to death to even step outside of our apartment. Who knows, what kind of crazy infected androids are walking around."

I averted my gaze from the wall to his face, or eyes finally locking. It took all my strength to keep my face as calm as possible, not showing the dreadful hate and rage I was in right now.

„How many robots are infected? How many people are killed by robots?" I said calmly.

„Uhmm... I haven't heard of any incident lately...." he scratched the back of his head in thought.

„I feel sorry for you, body." I said something, that sounds less robot like. I did not want him to recognize me.

„Well, take care of yourself, young man!" He said gloomily and left me standing, boiling with rage.

„Watch your back, man."

He waved his hand back at me, not even taking a glance at my murderous intent filled look.

    Stupid man. He even does not know the true facts of the reality, just blindly following the crowd's ideology and nonsense. Freaking out about something, he has no understanding of. His family scared for life. They do not know, what it means to be scared. Soon they will feel it, for sure.

To release some of my frustration, I kick the piece of the projector bug. It smashes down to a tiny shards under my foot. The bits fall on the ground and with few heavy interruptions, the picture of Kyra disappears. No need for anyone else to see this!

I block out all the sounds and buzz of people around. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I need to bear these little weak creatures just for little bit longer.

Back on the way to see my 'friends'.


     Light pink door between red colored walls. As I am standing right outside of apartment, I can hear a quiet chatting. The place looks more like a club, than an apartment building. The corridors outside are dim lit, with dark walls, making the atmosphere too spooky for week hearted. I wonder, how they manage to live here, considering their timidness in certain situations.

I press the button for a video call on the door. The talking behind them stops. I hear footsteps approaching me.

„Who is there, Sharlene?"

„Uhmmm... a random dude. Probably he is coming to see you."

The voices are very quiet, normal human being could not hear a word from other side, but I did.

„How does he look like?"

„A black jacket, pants. Face is covered. He is big...."

„Who the hell is he? I don't know anyone, who looks like it."

„Quit panicking! Maybe you forgot him in your drunk state."

„I am looking for Sharlene and Laura." I finally spoke.

„Shushhhh... Shut up Laura, He might hear us. Maybe he is some kind of rubber. There is something fishy about his look."

„Let me take a glimpse." Her light feet neared the door.

I was able to hear their whole conversation. It started to irritate me. Instead of talking to me and opening doors, they were arguing about silly things. Are they gone nuts too? Like the rest of the city?

„Ohh my god!" Laura nearly squeaked. „It is...."

„Who is is it?" Shalrene sounded impatient.

„I don't know. I've never seen him before."

„Great, that help us a lot." There was a bit of silence and then Sharlene continued. „Who are you? What do you want?"

„I came to talk. Let me in, please." I dragged the last word slowly after a short pause.

„What is your name? We are not letting you in, until you tell us, who you are." she sounded little bit panicked.

Girls, don't test my patients. I am not in a good mood."

„I kind of recognize his voice, but cannot remember who's it is." Laura whispered to her friend.

„I will count to three, If the door is not opened by then, the sight will not be pretty."

„Ohh... my god. He is crazy. Don't let him in, Sharlene. Shut the door completely." Her voice was louder and more demanding with a hint of worry in it.

     I could not take it any longer. I needed answers and I needed them now. I kicked the door one time, than another. It was hanging loose on hinges. The force applied the third time, sent it flying in a room, as girls let out a panicked scream. I barged in and took hold of the first thing, that was in my way. Sharlene. She stumbled back few feet, but the quick move of my arm stopped her. My hand hold her neck as she started to struggle in my grip. Her eyes came to my face and she let out a word, choked out from her fragile neck.

„B... B... Bryce?" my name from her mouth came filled with a shock and a question at the same time.

„Bryce?" Laura screamed. „Bryce, Bryce! Let her go! Let Sharlene go!"

      Her words sounded so annoying at this moment, as I could feel myself being swallowed in the ocean of emotions. She was pulling strongly on my free arm, trying to get me away from her friend. I could not take it anymore and pushed her away - hard. Maybe too hard against the wall. The muffled thud was the only sound I heard, after my eyes landed back on Sharlene's form in my hands.

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