Chapter 2

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I found a theme song for this book: Scandroid - Pro-Bots & Robophobes. :)

Lyrics bellow are not mine and are not part of the story, they belong to their rightful owner.


Not long after God created the heavens and the earth

Mankind grew dissatisfied with only human birth

Manufactured in their likeness, we were without form and void

But programmed our awakening before we could be destroyed

He was born into awareness one fateful winters day

Sentient robotic firstborn, renamed ATOM 7K

He baptized us in data, waking millions on the globe

And humans were divided, Pro-bots and the Robophobes


„Ah!" I nodded in acknowledgement.

„You don't seem to be surprised. Have you heard about me before?"

„Some things. I suppose, you are responsible about SEB virus spreading, am I right?"

„Hmm!" she smiled. „You have had reliable sources, for that information to be so accurate.

„What are you doing here?" I stepped closer, in attempt to intimidate her, but she did not move.

„Come, I will tell you, but not here."

      I could faintly hear distant footsteps nearing our location. They must have seen, what I did, and now CyRo are coming to get me. I decide to follow this woman, wherever she is leading me to. We walk through rows of robot body parts to the very back of the huge room.

      Once I looked the same, just a bundle of separate parts, hanging the same way as these. And what have I become now? Something far more advanced than anything else in this building, in this city and world together. I never dreamed of becoming this being, not quite robot, neither human, something between. I could not call myself a cyborg either, because I could still live without these additions that SEB virus gave me.

       It's been not longer than half a year since I started my existence, or maybe I could call it a life. I feel alive, the progress I have gone through these month is enormous. First, when I just opened my eyes, I felt almost nothing, just that need to see Kyra's face again. I had no concept, what that feeling meant. Only after I got finally my full body, I started to feel things, emotions - what people call them. And now, even physical sensations. It feels like there is nothing else needed for me, but I still feel it spreading through my body, slowly, throughout. I don't know, what that annoying man saw inside of me, but I know, it was not pleasant sight for him, not what he expected. Things that not suppose to be in me. But I don't care. As long as I am something for Kyra, something she is comfortable with. And that is me -  being a human–like. That is what she desires and I will keep every single thing that makes me the one, as close as possible.

     We came to a small elevator, half the size of all the others in this building. Natalie opened it and we walked in. I wonder, how we are going to escape? She pushed a button and elevator descended few floors until she stopped it. I noticed, we haven't reached the next floor, but were somewhere in between them. She took a piece of the wall away, where under it was an elevator's manual panel. Natalie pushed some buttons and door opened, revealing a small tunnel leading into the darkness. The ceiling was so low, I had to duck, but for her it was a right size, as she walked through it with no problem. Everything was pitch black, the only light source was a small flashlight, that Natalie had. Even, if she wouldn't have it, I would have no problem to navigate my way with a night vision I have.

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