You Know Her

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Janna's P.O.V
As soon as Star fell asleep around 11, I had a plan. I didnt care how late it was, I was going to talk to Marco even if he doesn't want to. He better have a good excuse as to why he believes that video! If he doesn't, I swear I'm going to break his neck.

It was silent once I left my house. Marco's house was about five minutes away, so I ran as fast as I could. My feet pounded the concrete and stomped in some puddles. There was barely anybody driving so it was easy to run across the roads. Finally I arrived at Marco's house. My hands curled into a fist and knocked the door three times. The door opened, expecting to see Marco, I put on a mad look but then saw that it was a girl at the door.

"Who are you?" The strange girl asked, looking me up and down.

"Janna Ordonia. I need to see Marco, now." As soon as I said my name her eyes widened. Crap, she knows.

"Are you sure you want to see him? I mean...with what happened three years ago." I quickly figured out that this girl was Marco's sister, Chloe.

"He's changed, I know it. You're his sister, Chloe right?" I asked putting a hand out to which she shook.

"I'll let you in then." Chloe stood back and opened the door more. I quickly waited upstairs and to Marco's door. Without even knocking, I slammed the door open too see Marco was studying something. He jumped up as he let out a scream.

"Janna!? Wh-what are you doing here?" He was obviously a little scared.

"You know her Marco! You know that Star would never pretend she has anxiety!" My voice was loud and I stomped up to him.

"Look, how am I supposed to believe her? I just met her not that long ago." Marco put his hands up defensively.

"How would she pretend anxiety!? You think that her crying and breathing fast was all FAKE!?" I was ticked off now, screaming every word.

"I don't know okay, I just was shocked-" I cut him off.

"Marco, you know how much a bully will push someone to say what they want. Do I need to remind you of who you used to be, three years ago?" I calmed down a bit, seeing that Marco realized he was a jerk.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. There really isn't an excuse for believing that." He quietly said before sitting back down on his chair.

"I know that you're a better person, Marco. Don't push people away because you're afraid of...becoming what you were a long time ago, okay?" I put a hand on his back as he sobbed into his arms.

"Why are you nice to me. I hurt you, caused you so much pain, I'm the reason you moved away from Martin to Echo Creek and now...i hurt Star." Hurt ran through my heart as he spoke. Not just because I'm remembering the whole scene from three years ago but also because I know he feels bad.

"Look, Marco. I will never forgive what you said but I forgive you now because I know you're a better person now. So shut up and apologise to Star tomorrow." Marco nodded and looked up at me. His eyes were glossed with tears. I pulled him into a hug and let him cry. A couple minutes passed and I decided to go back home.

"Bye Chloe!" I shut the door and walk home. My feet were slow, my head hung low, and I felt like crying. Marco really does feel bad for what he did three years ago. I just hope he apologizes to Star tomorrow. She needs someone other than me, I can only do so much for her.

The whole scene from three years ago plays in my head and I can't help but break down in tears. I know he's a better person now but...whenever I remember that day, my walls come down. I always have walls up to protect me, my friends, and anyone else who needs protection but once that day plays in my head, I'm a completely different person.

Marco's P.O.V
What happened? Three years ago I was someone who I never want to be again. Three years ago I hurt someone that was an amazing person. She was doing her best to get through school and instead of being there for her, I broke her down more. Everyone bullied her, pushed her and she told no one outside of school until I hurt her, she had enough and told her parents which caused them to move. I was the reason she wanted to die that day. Now...shes helping me fix my mistakes. Who is she? Janna Ordonia, she is the girl I hurt three years ago. We used to be in the same country and school. What did I do? Well...I broke her just like I broke Star.

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