Valentines Day Special

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Star's P.O.V
The doors to the church opened as I walked in, my arm linked with my mother's arm. From the moment she adopted me, I knew that my life would be a journey and I never thought I would be where I am right now. Seeing Marco standing at the end of the aisle was a wonderful sight, sticking to my memory forever. If you told me this would happen years ago, I never would've believed you but I'm glad it's happening. Marco has made me the happiest person alive. Even if I'm struggling with anxiety and sometimes doubt myself, he's right there to help me. Although my anxiety never goes away, it's gotten much better, with the help of my adorable dog.

When I was younger I always dreamed about the day someone would propose to me. In the end, I always pushed the thoughts back, thinking they wouldn't come true. As years went by I believed more and more that maybe it could come true. That's when Marco stumbled into my life and everything changed. We've been through hell and back, being strongest when together. Thinking back to how Marco proposed to me, tears run down my face and I can't hold them in.

"Star! Come here, I need to show you something." I didn't want to leave my friends and family but Marco really wanted me to see something, so I followed him to whatever was so special to him.

"Where are we going Marco?" He pulled me up onto the top of the hill and held my hand as he guided me to where he wanted me to go. I was super curious about where he was taking me, I've been up this hill a million times, especially with Marco. This hill is where we go when we need to talk alone, maybe there was nothing to see and he just needed to talk to me? I had no idea.

To my surprise he stopped at the very top of the hill where you could see all of Echo Creek. The sight is always pretty, even if Echo Creek isn't the most fantastic and beautiful town, but it's still pretty to look at from up here. We stood there for a couple minutes and even thought I was confused to why he brought me here, I was happy. Being with Marco on the hill was relaxing. We've laughed, cried, and even fought on this very hill. I smiled as Marco suddenly pulled away from me and stared at me. I was confused at first until he reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

"Star Butterfly, ever since I saw you in the classroom, I knew you were special. I can't believe how far we've come, through thick and thin, you've always fought through it all. Would you please be my wife and fight more battles with me?" I cried into my hands as he got onto one knee and opened the box. Inside of it was a beautiful ring, unique yet simple, just what I imagined.

"Yes, a million times yes!" I finally got words to come out and happiness took over my entire body as he jumped up and wrapped me into a tight hug. He spun me around, not caring who saw us. That was the happiest moment of my life, until today, our wedding day.

Here I was, walking down the aisle to my future husband. My mom couldn't hold back her tears as she guided me to Marco. My anxiety and happiness built with each step I took towards him. I was happy, nervous, excited, and sad all wrapped up together. A part of me wanted to just run to him and get this over with so I could call him my husband, but another part of me wanted this moment to last forever. Thankfully we got to the steps that led up to Marco, which I quickly yet carefully walked up.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to see the marriage of Star and Marco," The Officiant addressed to everyone here and Marco grabbed my hands, giving me a huge smile. Tears threatened to spill over but I held them back as best as I could, "please exchange your vows."

"Star, the most beautiful star there is, I've loved you from the moment I saw you. People may have saw you as a freak but I saw you as a unique and amazing person. No matter how hard life pushed at you, you always stood up and fought back as hard as you could. You're courageous, brave, amazing, beautiful, and most of all, unique. I know I've called you unique about a million times but it's true. You're one of a kind, no one can compare to you. Even though I've broken your heart a couple times and you've broken mine, we always find our way back to each other and fix our hearts together. I love you more than any of the stars combined." Tears were falling down my face as Marco finished his vow. I wiped the tears away and took a deep breath before saying mine.

"'ve surprised me so much through all the time we've spent together. Bringing home chocolates, milkshakes, or one of my favorite books. You've showed me that anyone can find love, even if they're broken. I was completely lost until you came along and made my life better, and you made me feel found. I love waking up to see your adorable smile and to you shouting at me to wake up," I took a second to laugh at all the memories he's done this, "You may have had a difficult past but I'm here to tell you that I love the you that's here with me and stuck with me through every twist and turn. There are a million things I want to say but I will simply say that I love you, and I can't wait to spend forever with you." I smile and see Marco tear up, wiping the tears away and taking deep breaths.

"And now the rings." A man holds our rings up to us. Marco grabs the gold one, sliding it onto my finger. He gives me a smile as I grab his ring and slide it onto his finger. Everything seems so perfect and amazing. I never wanted to leave this moment, ever.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!" Marco softly grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep yet soft kiss. I couldn't believe that this was happening, I'm getting married to the most amazing guy ever! I happily say that I'm ready for whatever life throws at us, I'm ready to fight more battles with my wonderful husband.

I'm ready to prove that I am stronger than I used to be, stronger when I'm with Marco.

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