Would You Go To The Dance With Me

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Star's P.O.V
Today is April 8th, 2016 which is the day before the School dance. Of course I wasn't going to go unless Marco asked me. Speaking of Marco, he asked me to a date at the park tonight. He's so cute when he asks if I want go on a date. His face gets red and he stutters and my reply is the same everytime. Of course I say yes because we're dating.

I put on a white shirt, blue jacket, jeans, and my red Nike's. My hair was pulled up into a ponytail and I had my red devil horn headband on. I smiled at myself in the mirror before walking out the door and running down the stairs. Juliet, Janna's mom, was feeling better but I could hear her cry every night. I wanted to help her but I was scared that she would think I'm trying to replace Janna.

"Hey Star, where are you going?" Juliet's voice came from behind me. I turned around to see her sitting on the couch, watching her favorite show, Doctor Who. A small smile tugged on her lips which made me smile.

"I'm going on a date with Marco. I will be back around ten." Her smile spread even more once I mentioned that I was going on a date.

"That's great! Have fun and be careful, okay?" She stands up and hugs me. I felt safe and secure. I've never had a mom hug me before since my biological mother, Moon.

"Okay, thanks, love you!" The words slipped out before I could stop them. I gasped and then started apologizing but she just smiled.

"It's okay Star. I love you too. Now, go have fun!" She smiled and I returned it. I run out the door and go to the Echo Creek Park. It was pretty as the sun was setting right over the trees of the park. It was a perfect night for a picnic so I'm super excited for me and Marco's date!

After a couple minutes of walking I was at the park. Marco was sitting on a bench with his eyes locked on the sunset. His mouth was formed into a smile. I felt my face heat up at how adorable he was.

"Hey Marco. I'm finally here." I laugh a bit and sit next to him on the bench. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful," I blushed at the name. "Come on, I'm going to show you something amazing!"

"Okay." He gets up and I follow him. The view was seriously breathtaking at the park. Stars were scattered above while the sun was almost gone.

"We're here." I look at where Marco was gesturing and my mouth drops. There was a picnic blanket, a basket, and a couple candles lit up. Tears threatened to escape my eyes as I smiled, God I'm such a crybaby!

"Marco...this is beautiful! You did all of this?" He nodded and sat down on the blanket. I slowly walked towards him, still about to cry, and sit down. He reached over and wiped a tear off my face.

"Sorry, I'm such a crybaby." He giggled and just stared at me with a small smile. I looked down while rubbing my arm.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked and he just chuckled before pulling me into a gentle kiss.

"You're just amazing Star, I love you." I laughed a bit and tucked a hair behind my ear.

"Thanks, I love you too." We both smiled even more.

After a few minutes of just staring and smiling we started eating. It was amazing, nothing too fancy but not plain and simple. He made nachos for us so that tops everything else. We barely said anything as we ate but we kept looking out at the sunset and stars. Nothing could beat this pretty view, well...except for Marco.

"Hey Star? I have a question." Once we were finished eating, Marco turned towards me and grabbed my hand.

"Go ahead and ask." He looked a bit nervous but sucked up the courage and asked me.

"Would you like to go to the School dance with me?" His face was bright red and his eyes were looking everywhere but me. I smiled at this.

"Of course, dummy. I would love to." He laughed and sighed in relief. I got caught in his chocolate brown eyes, staring into them. He saw that I was staring and smiled, pulling me in for a onother kiss. Our lips locked and, like always, sparks were everywhere. It was a sweet and gentle one that told me I was safe with him. Forever and always.

After the date I went straight home and opened the door to see Juliet smiling at me. I chuckled nervously, knowing that my face was red from thinking about Marco asking me to the dance. Before I could say anything she beat me to it.

"So...how did it go? Your face is red so I'm guessing good?" I laughed while covering my face with my hands.

"Yeah, it went great. He asked me to the School dance." Juliet suddenly squealed with excitement. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm going to take you shopping for the perfect dress and shoes!" I looked up at her with a smile spread across my face.

"Seriously? You don't have to Juliet." She made a pft sound and waved her hands.

"Of course I have to. You're my daughter and you know you can call me mom, it's okay." She gave me a warm smile and I hugged her again as tears fell down my face.

"Thank you so much! I haven't gone shopping in a long time!" She giggled and hugged me back. Once we pulled away, I ran upstairs and fell asleep, ready for tomorrow.

The next day I woke up and realized that it was the School dance tonight. I screamed in excitement and ran into my closet, putting on whatever I wanted and ran downstairs. Juliet was making some pancakes while listening to some music.

"Someone's excited. Wonder why?" She looked at me with a fake questioning face. I laughed and she did as well.

"Yeah, I'm super happy that I get to go shopping and I get to dance with Marco!" She smiled at me, set down a plate of pancakes, and sat down across from me.

"We'll leave after you're done eating and then I'll do your hair, if you want, too." I quickly shook my head yes.

"Please, that would be awesome! You sure though?" I asked.

"Of course! Now hurry up and eat so we can go shopping." I smiled before digging into my pancakes. Today is going to be so fun and I don't care what happens tonight. All that matters is that we stay together and have fun! I am so lucky to be with a guy like Marco Diaz!

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