No One Cares About You

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Star's P.O.V
This is what we do everyday. Me and Marco walk down the hall hand in hand just watching the people pass us. Some people look at us with disgust while others give us slight smiles. Things have changed since the school dance, I think people finally saw that we may be different but we're just like everyone else. I've never been so happy in my life since my mom died. Marco has seriously switched my life for the better, he makes me smile, laugh, love, and happy.

At the end of the day Marco and I walk to his house and then I head to mine. Usually I go to my house without any interruptions but there's always that one time, right? Just one time that something is different because for some reason, it just has to be different. Just when I was heading home someone had approached behind me. I knew exactly who it was, I tried my best to avoid him but to my luck he grabbed my arm and whipped me around.

"Now what, Tom! Haven't you done enough to me? Just leave me alone!" I shouted before he could even get one word out. He sighed and looked at me angrily.

"Listen Star, you're going to pay for what you did!" He pushed me back a little bit. I stumbled a bit but thankfully didn't fall.

"What did I do!? You're the one who's pushed me around and along you've liked me. You're disgusting, Tom!" His face turned more angry with each word I said.

"You don't like me, you never have and never will! So you're going to pay! No one cares about you Star. No one stops to wonder how you're doing and you don't deserve to be loved!" This time when he pushed me I fell to the ground of the sidewalk. My elbows scraped against the concrete, making them bleed a bit.

"Marco cares about me so you can back off!" I quickly got up and started walking away. He laughed which made my blood boil.

"Your own mom didn't care about you! She basically gave you a person who hates you to look after you, which was most likely on purpose. So how could Marco care about you?" My feet stopped dead where they were and I turned around to look at him. Tears were threatening to come out but I refused to cry.

"Wake up Star! Janna's dead, I hate you now, Marco is just a player, and your mom can't save you!" Something snapped inside of me. I did something quite unexpected. I punched him, hard, straight in the face. Before he could swing back I somehow tackled him to the ground and threw punch after punch. In all my years of life I never thought I was strong but here I was punching Tom, making him bleed a little. Each time he tried to get up I used all of my strength to push him down.

"Why do you think that bullying me was going to make me like you? You could've just come up and talk to me instead of waiting to see if I talked to you! Stop acting so childish and start acting your age. Go find some actual friends and become a nice person, if that's possible. Open up your eyes and realize that bullying people isn't the answer!" I don't know where all of this was coming from but I was finally saying what I've wanted to say to Tom for years.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from Tom. My jaw drops when I see Tom's bleeding lip and nose. The person holding me turns me around and grabs my face. Thank God it's just Marco! He pulled me into a hug and I started crying. Tears ran down my face, rapidly pouring out of my eyes. Marco kept me in his warm embrace just letting me sob.

"I think you scared the crap out Tom. That was actually pretty cool but also scary." Marco said making me giggle. He pulled away and I noticed that Tom wasn't on the ground anymore. Wonder where he went.

"What are you doing out here? You went home." I looked into his brown eyes and immediately felt calm. He quickly kissed me then answered my question.

"My sister, Chloe, asked me to get something from the store and I noticed you punching the heck out of Tom." He smiled and my heart melted, just seeing him smile makes me weak.

" care about me right? Y-you're not just playing with me, right?" More tears trailed down my cheek. He wiped the tears away and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Of course I care about you. Don't let anyone get in your head. I will never stop loving you, I promise you that." I smiled at him and pulled him into another hug.

"I'll always love you too, Marco." Marco's heartbeat calmed me and soon we started heading towards my house. Marco wanted to walk me home just to make sure I got there safely. He kept asking if I was okay, which I was.

"I love you Star. See you tomorrow and tell Juliet I said hey." He gave me a sweet and short kiss. My cheeks burned red. I walked in my house and shut the door quickly. Juliet walked up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay? You were gone a little longer than usual." A laugh tumbled out of me which Juliet laughed as well.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I promise." We smile at each other before going over to the table and sitting down. I told her what happened and she was concerned but thought it was pretty cool that I beat up Tom. Today was certainly different but I felt good. Even if violence isn't always the answer, someone needed to snap something in his head! Guess that someone was me, weirdly. Janna would be proud if she saw me beat him up. Crap...her funeral is tomorrow!

Heyyyyyy people!!! So...were close to the end and I'm super sad about it but I'm so thankful for all you amazing people and your support. I'm almost at 8k and it's blowing my mind!!!! And I'm #4 on Starco ranks!!! chapter is going to be sad because it's Janna's funeral 😭😭 Anyways, love you guys!!!!

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