Info on Batmom

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A/N Ok so I'm making this a chapter because the readers story will be pretty much the same in all the one shots. If it changes, I will add it to that particular story.

Also this ------ means line break and ~~~~~ means tome skip.

On with the story


Y/N L/N and Bruce Wayne had been friends since they were kids.

She was always there when he needed her and vice versa.

She also knew exactly how to cheer him up when needed.

The one time she couldn't think of anything to say or do to make her best friend feel better was the night that his parents were murdered.



Of course Alfred called me the moment that Bruce got home.

When I got there I was let in by Alfred, I found my best friend in his room lying on his bed staring at the ceiling blankly.

I walked in quietly and sat on his bed next to him. He looked at me sadly. I pulled him into a hug to try to console him at least a little bit.

It seemed to work some as he cuddled into me slightly.

From then on we were closer than ever.

--------------------------------------------NORMAL P.O.V.

As the years went on Y/N put up with Bruce's many girlfriends. She were the only girl he would always keep around no matter what.

Alfred saw the attraction that had formed over the years before the two of them did. He made it his mission to get the two of them together because she was the only girl that could bring a bright, real smile to the billionaires face.

He finally succeeded when she found the Batcave one night after Bruce had come home from patrol particularly beat up.

That night he told her everything. From him being Batman to the fact that he was in love with her. Of course she told him that she felt the same and a beautiful relationship was formed.

They dated for three years before he proposed to her and two months later she became Mrs Wayne.

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