The Justice league?

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I'm really sorry this has taken me so long guys I've just been busy.
Requests and ideas are still very much accepted and appreciated. So any ideas you guys might have for this story or any of my others go ahead and send them to me.
Dick- 13
Tim- 8

Y/N P.O.V.

Ok so here I was minding my own business in the Batcave sitting infront of the Batcomputer half watching Tim and Jason train and half kewping an eye on my two boys out on patrol, and BAM, theres an angry looking kriptonian in my face.

'The hell?'

I raised an eybrow as I looked up and saw the main members of the JLA standing in the cave and the two little birds came over and crawled into my lap.

"To what do we owe the visit?" I asked to the room in general seeing as they were all watching me andd my boys.

"We heard that you guys have not one but three KIDS out on the fiwld at night. What the hell were you guys thinking?" Clark snapped and the boys tensed.
I just sighed, tapped the com in my ear and said:

"Get your ass to the cave you get to deal with the annoyed kriptonian currently glaring and snapping at me."

"I'd really rather not Love." He said gruffly

"I don't care if you would rather not get your ass over here or so help me I will come and find you and drag you home by the ear like a child ." I snapped at him.

I heard Oliver snicker and sent him a bat glare that shut him up instantly.

My eyes flicked back to Clark when I felt my two youngest boys curl closer to me only to see Diana annd Dinah had come closer and were getting a bit too close for the boys' liking.

"Guys don't. They're not very trusting of people they don't know so just back up a little please. When Robbin gets here you guys can give him all your attention or what ever you want he'll love that but these two do not ." I said as I repositioned myself so that I was slightly infront of my youngest boys.

Luckily they did as I asked and the boys calmed slightly and then scampered off and each jumped up onto Oliver and Barry's backs chatting to them. I smiled slightly.

"Why are they so scared of other people? Surely they would love people as much as their brother and they seem fine with Oliver and Barry." Diana said looking at me. Clark also looked over from where he had moved to stand by Martian Manhunter. My smile faded to a frown.

"You do know that none of the boys are related to eachother or either of us right?" I asked and looked at the League members who were all gapping at me as if I had lost my mind. Well all but Ollie and Barry who knew this.

"What? But they all look so alike and look so much like you two." Dinah said in shock. I just smirked and was about to say something else when I heard the roar of the Batmobile. The boys jumped of of their respective seats (uuuhh I mean League members) and ran over to meet their brother and father.

I smiled as my boys made their way over. Bruce was glaring at his team mates.

"And thats my que you guys are his problem now. Come on little birds it's bed time for you. Good night everybody." I said and smirked when Bruce gave me a look. The boys tried to argue but with one look from me they all trudged upstairs. The last thing I heard before closing the clock was two sets of manly giggling and my husband growling "What?" at his team.

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