Ok now this is getting out of hand Bruce

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Everybody wanted Dami to come in so here he is.
Dick- 13
Tim- 8
Damian- 1
Y/N P.O.V.

I sat infront of the batcomputer and glared at it. Bruce had gone to meet up with Talia for some reason and told me that neither I nor any of our boys couldn't go. It stung slightly to know that he was going to meet with the person that drugged and raped him and didn't want me there. It kinda made doubts swirl around in my head. I mean I trusted my husband more than anything but....

I sighed softly and turned slightly to watch Dickie and Jay spar on the mats not too far away from me. Timmy was sitting in one of the large beanbags under the desk also watching his brothers sparring.

We had put a beanbag under the deak after we adopted Dick and relized that he didn't like being alone upstairs while Bruce and I worked on cases down in the cave after his bedtime. So we made him promise to actually sleep while down here and now just moved another one down here everytime we adopted another bird.

I could tell all my sons could sense that I was not in the best of moods by the way they kept glancing at me and Tim wanting to be close by.


I was about to go upstairs with the boys when I heard the roar of the Batmobile and turned, all three birds turned to as Bruce got out of the car carrying a todler.


He approached us with the little one in his arms. He looked nervous.

As he got closer I could see why. The baby looked just like him but as he got closer I could see his eyes were green.


I sighed softly as Bruce stopped infront of me and the boys.

"What's his name?" I asked as I gently took the baby from my husband resigned to the fact that we now had four kids to take care of.

"His name is Damian. His mother believes that he will be safer with me, us."

"Fine under one condition." I said as I held the baby close and he cooed at me making me and the boys smile jyst a bit.

"Anything." Bruce said softly watching me interact with his son and knowing that I had already fallen in love with him.

"She doesn't get him back. He's mine now. Just like all three other kids are mine Dami is mine now." I said as I held the baby even tighter and then knelt down for the other boys to meet their new baby brother.
"Of course my love." He said as he watched his boys interact with their baby brother, relieved that none of them hated him for how the baby came to be.

"How about we all go watch a movie?" I said softly.

Everybody agreeded and the rest of the night was spent cuddling and watching movies

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