A chance

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I don't know how long I've been sitting here but by the lack of rain and the tiny sliver of light starting to kreep up on the horizom I woulguess it's been a while.

I heard a soft thud behind me but didn't turn around. I knew who it was and I really didn't want to see him right now. I felt him sit next to me but he didn't make a move to speak or touch me. Eventoally I got tired of the awkward silence and sighed softly turning my head to him slightly.

"What do you want Bruce?" My voice was soft, broken, defeated. The thoughts that had been running through my head since he told me getting the better of me.

"A chance to explaoin. Please Y/N. I love you and I don't want to lose you. Please Love please just let me explain." His voice sounded as broken as mine did but his had a desperate tinge to it. He was begging me to listen to him. To give him a chance.

I looked into his pleading blue eyes and sighed softly. I nodded.

"I didn't want to do it I told her as much"

I snorted at that

"No Y/N you have to believe me I din't want it. She poured me a drink and slipped something in it I didn't realize until it was to late. N/N please you have to believe me. Please. You have been my everything for so long Love, my rock, the light in the darkness guiding me home, the mother of my children. Please Love I don't know what I would do without you. I can't imagine a life wher your not in it. I beg of you Y/N. I beg of you to give me another chance. Let me show you that she means nothing to me. Please."

By the end of it he had tears running down his face and his voice broke on the last word. I sniffed softly and leaned into my husbands side. My sadness replaced with rage and slight guilt. That bitch had RAPED my husband, and I had hurt him more by thinking the worst. He had not once given me any reason to think he was cheating on me. Not even with Catwoman, who just couldn't take a hint mind you, not even through all her flirting did he once even bat an eye. He did not once let his eyes wonder to the attractive young woman.

I feel so bad. As I sigh softly and move away from my husbands side. He made a soft protesting whine. But shut up pretty fast remembering that he was in the wrong.

I gave a small sad but loving smile and grabbed one of his hands gently pulling him up and over to me. I pulled him into a tight hug and he instantly held me tight to his chest. I inhaled softly taking in his scent. It was comforting. He just held me tighter and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I believe you Love and I'm sorry. I should have just let you explain when you got back. I'm sorry." I said softly into his shoulder.

"Is's not your fault Love if anything it's mine. I should have picked up on the drug sooner or not taken the drink at all. I'm sorry. I love you." He mumbled into my neck.

"I love you too. Lets go home Love. I'm sure the boys would like to see their dad. They've missed you. We all have." I said with a small smile which he returned.

I was right the boys were exstatic to see their dad. When they came down to the kitchen for breakfast there were three yells in perfect unison


All of which warmed my heart.

"I told you boys we would find him." I smiled as I walked over to the group hug that had started when the boys had seen their dad and flung themselves at him. I smiled at my family and as soon as I could I pulled Alfred into the hug too. He smiled and hugged his family tight.

That's when I knew that giving Bruce a chance was the right thing to do. A chance is all it took.

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