Another Little Bird

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Dick: 9
Jason: 7

It has been about six months since we adopted Jason and he had begun to train with us. Tonight was the first night he would go out with us.

I was being my typical overprotective mother bat self and had already given Jason the same speach about staying close as I had given Dick the first night that he came out with us. Dick was finding my fussing over his baby brother hilarious and was laughing so hard that he was doubled over. Even Bruce was smirking from where he was sitting at the Batcomputer.

It was finally time to go and Jason was literally bouncing off the walls I watched amused as he bounced into the car and impatiently waited for us to to join him. Bruce and Dick were grinning as they joined him as Alfred watched also amused.

It was quiet tonight, and the boys were getting bored. They started to rough house on the rooftops as Bruce and I watch them to make sure they don't hurt each other. Even though we knew that neither of our boys would ever hurt each other on purpose even though they could if they wanted to.

I can tell that Dick enjoys having another boy his age on patrol.

I really do love my boys.

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