Movie night

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Ok so this was requested by Anya4608. So here it is. Also Damian will be comming in soon, but not just yet. He's been highly requested. And so far it looks like it's gonna be a birdflash story with tim/steph. You guys are still wrlcome to give suggestions for that as well as other chapters.
Dick: 12
Jason: 10
Tim: 7
Y/N P.O.V.

Tonight I had forced all my boys to take the night off and have a movie night. After all none of the kids had watched the kids had seen any of the Harry Potter movies and we had been meaning to do a movie night for a while.

So here we sat, pillows, blankets and snacks enough to feed an army. Even Alfred had decided to joim us.

We made a giant bed out of pillows and blankets with each of the boys claiming a spot far enough from each other and us to spread themselves out without touching.

The boys were so wrapped up in the movies that they didn't realize they had all somehow managed to migrate from there spots and closer to where Bruce and I were cuddling. Of course we meerly shifted to include them into the cuddling each time one of them got close enough.

By the end of the last movie all three boys, and somehow Ace, had managed to migrate across the makeshift bed and end up cuddling with us.

We all just decided we were too comfy and didn't want to move so we stayed like that all night.

Alfred showed me some adorable pictures the next morning.

A/N: It's pretty short but there it is. Thank you for the request. Feel free to send more. And let me know if there are any other characters/people/whatevers that you want to see books about if I know thwm well enough and feel inspired there may be some more oneshot books out...

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