The birth of a Robin

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SUMMARY: the tittle says it all this is how Dick becomes Robin.

A/N: so I think this is a petty bad chapter sorry. And
'Bold' is Batspeak
"Italic." Is normal speak

~~~~~~~~Y/N P.O.V.~~~~~~~~

It had been a couple months after we took in Richard, who prefered to be called Dick, and we had finaly found out who had killed his parents. It was a mob boss by the name of Anthony(Tony) Zucco.

Bruce and I were at the Batcomputer looking up anything and everything about the jerk who had hurt our sweet little boy, then again if he hadn't killed the Graysons we wouldn't have Dick but I preffer to hate this guy, when Dick came into the Batcave( yes he knew about what we did at night, don't judge me, he's a smart kid ok, he found the Cave within the first two weeks and has been asking to join us at which I refuse), he crawled into my lap, as I was the one sitting in the chair with Bruce leaning on the back and reading over my shoulder, he looked at the screan and glared at the picture of Zucco. I looked down at him and raised an eyebrow.
" Do you know him Dickie?" I asked softly gaining Bruce's attention as well.
"He was talking to Uncle Jack before the show, it looked like they were argueing about something." He said. I looked up at Bruce and raised an eyebrow, having a silent conversation, which the rest of the Justice League called 'Batspeak'.

We were interupted by the 7 year old in my lap.
"Who is he? Is he a bad guy?" He asked us. I looked at Bruce before he answered.
"He is a mob boss that opperates on that side of Gotham." Bruce said.
"Is he the one who killed my parents?" He aked and I sighed before nodding.
"We believe so, yes." I answered.
"If you're going after him I want to come. I want to help bring him in." Dick said. I looked at Bruce and he had a thoughtful expression on his face. 'No absolutely not Bruce he is 7 years old.' I said in Batspeak.
'I know love but he needs this. Besides we will be with him the entire time to make sure he is safe, and after this we can train him so that he knows how to defend himself.' He returned. I sighed and looked down at my new son.
"You're going to need a name if you're going to be a hero sweetheart." I sighed giveing up on argueing with my boys.
His face lit up and he thought for a bit.
"Robin." He said.
"Like the bird?" Bruce asked with a raised eyebrow.
"My mamma used to call me that when we were on the trapeeze she said I reminded her of a little robin when I flew." He said whith a sad smile. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. Bruce soon put his arms around both of us. I looked at my watch and my eyes widened slightly.
"Alright little bird bedtime. You have school tomorrow and you'll need training if you want to come out with us." I said softly and Dick smiled at the new nickname. Bruce smiled too.
"Go on Bud we'll be up soon." Bruce smiled softly. Dick smiled and slid off my lap and ran upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Clark is going to have a fit about a 7 year old joining us on the streets." I said thoughtfully. Bruce just smirked as we followed Dick upstairs. I shook my hed in exasperation but could not help but smile at his antics. That man would do anything to annoy Clark.

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