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Warning: language and angst I think? Also I'm sorry it's taking so long guys. I've got other stuff going on too and I have a bit of writers block again so any ideas would be great. For any of my books.

Dick: 12
Jason: 10
Tim: 7
So without anymore issues here you go guys enjoy. And I hope you guys are still keeping safe.
Y/N P.O.V.

I'm sitting on a building in the pouring rain and rethinking my life. Rethinking everything.

'Does he really love me?'
'Did he ever love me?'
'What's gonna happen now?'


Let me explain

Y/N P.O.V.

I'm with the boys on patrol at the moment and we're all worried. Bruce has been missing for the good part of two days and we can't get ahold of him.

When we finally return to the manor I tell the boys to hit the showers and then go up to bed. They all do it with no argument. They know when to pick a fight about bedtime and tonight is not one of those times. Not with their dad missing or ignoring us or whatever the hell he's doing.

I sigh as I walk over to the Batcomputer and lean on the backrest looking down at Alfred who sits looking for any sign of the missing man.

"Any luck?" I ask the older man softly.

"No. Notthing yet Miss Y/N. I have tried tracking the suit but it seems he put the tracker off or it was broken, either way it is off line as is every other piece of technology that can be tracked. I'm sorry." The man said in a soft sad voice.

Alfred is many things, a sass master being one of them, but the most important thing and the thing that many forget about is that he is a father to Bruce and a grandfather to our kids, that means he is protective of us and we of him, he loves us and we love him.

I smile sadly at the man and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's late Alfie you should head to bed as well. I will continue looking for him once I have tucked the boys in." I said softly squeezing his shoulder slightly.

He smiled sadly at me and nodded getting up from the chair and pulling me into a tight hug.

"We'll find him mistress I know we will. Or he will come home. He has never been able to be away from you and the boys for very long." He said softly with a smaĺ smile. I smiled sadly at him.

"I hope so Alfred I really do." I sighed softly as we walked up the sairs together.

I headed out of the ofice and up the stairs so that I could check on my boys.

I was not at all surprised to find all three boys in the eldest birds room. I sighed softly and sat on the side of the bed and ran my hand through all three their hair.

"Are we gonna find Tati, Mamma?" Dick asked in a small soft voice and it reminded me of just how young my boys were. I tend to forget that they are so young. They fight with us each night, taking down the scum of Gotham with such ease that we forget that they are so young, so inocent. I sigh softly and move my hand back to his hair as I answer in a soft voice.

"I'm sure we will baby. It might just take a bit of time but I promise you we will find him."

"What if we don't find him Ma? What if he just doesn't care about us anymore?" Jason asked. He was still so insecure about that. But the question made me flinch slightly.

"I'm sure thats not the case Jaybird your dad loves you all very much and no matter what happens I need all three of you to know that. We both love you more than anything." I reasured him softly leaning over to kiss each of their foreheads.

"Alright you three enough over thinking this. That's my job. You guys need sleep you have school in the morning." I smirked lightly at the collective groan I got from my sons at the mention of school.

"Goodnight my little birds. Your dad will be home soon I promise." As I walked out I got a collective "Night" from them.

As I got back down to the cave I heard the unmistakable sound of the Batmobile.

I ran over and watched as Bruce got out of the car and walk over.

"wHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA...." I stopped mid rant as he removed his cawl and I saw the look in his eye....


"What happened?" I asked softly placing a gentle hand on his cheek. He melted into it for a moment before pulling away and running a hand through his hair. Then he said it. The words that brought my world to a screeching stop.

"I slept with Talia Al Ghul." (Spelling???) He said softly. He sounded groggy but I payed it no mind.

"What?" I asked coldly

"Y/N let me explain, please...."

"Explain what Bruce that you broke your promise to me and slept with another woman? That you could do that and not break this family apart?" I probably ahouldn't have cut him off like that but I didn't give a shit right now. I was hurting and needed to leave. So, that's what I did I walked passed him and to my bike. I left the cave and went out into the cold Gotham night

-------------------End flashback-----------------------------

So here I am sitting on a building in the pouring rain and rethinking my life. Rethinking everything.

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