What happened?

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Dick: 10
Jason: 8
Tim: 5
----------1 year later-------
Y/N P.O.V.

I sighed softly as I sat down infront of the batcomputer after tucking the boys into bed. It was a cold and rainy night in Gotham and Bruce and I decided that the boys would not go out tonight and Batman would cut his patrol short. I heard the engine of the batmobile and smiled getting up and moving closer.

The car stopped and my husband got out. I was confused though when he reached into the backseat and picked something up, hiding it under his cape.

I waited for him to come over and give me a kiss before raising an eybrow at him. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and then moved the cape to show a small boy that looked somewhat familliar. The little one looked scared and upset. I yet again raised an eyebrow at my husband as I gently took the little boy from him. The little one looked up at me revealing piercing sky blue eys. I smiled at him and he snuggled into my shoulder and shivered. I then realized that both boys were soakeing wet. I gently urged Bruce to the shower as I went upstairs to get the little one clean and dry.

"Hey there little one whats your name?" I asked softly.

"Tim Drake." He said even softer. I blinked. Thats why he looked familliar. The Drakes were business partners of Bruce's. I smiled softly.

"How about we get you a bath and some nice warm cloths and then you can go to bed. Sound good?" I asked the small boy in my arms. He nodded and I went about bathing him and helping him into a set of Jays pjs. I put him to bed and tucked him in.

By the time I got to our room Bruce was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting. Ismiled and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waiste and pulled me closer. I smiled and hugged him back, running my fingers through his hair.

"His parents were killed by Two-Face I was too late to save them but managed to save him before he could share their fate. I xouldn't just leave him there he would have gone to an orphanage or God forbid Juvi like Dick did. I couldn't let that happen. I....I..."
I gently shushed the man and kissed his head where he had barried it in my chest. I continued to run my hands through his hair as I spoke softly.

"Sssssshhhhhh My Love it's ok I understand. We won't let that happen to him. I promise."

I kissed his head before we both climbed into bed. The last thing running through my mind was 'How are the boys gonna react?'

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