One: The Meet Cute

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"Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?"

Patrick Stump handed over his ticket and walked reluctantly through the door of the train, keeping an eye out for his compartment.

"Wrong way," Pete Wentz chuckled, tapping his best friend on the shoulder quickly. "Follow me."

Patrick sighed and rolled his eyes, being careful not to hit anyone in the cramped train walkway with the large luggage bag he carried. Before long, he had turned around and was walking in the other direction.

"I hate trains," he muttered to himself, bitterly.

"You're not gonna hate this one," Pete assured, an excited smile on his face. "It's gonna be better than flying, I promise."

"How the hell is this gonna be better?" Patrick huffed.

"I sprung for first class train tickets!" Pete announced, as if it would change Patrick's mind. "There's really cool reclining seats, good food, and we even have our own compartment with beds and stuff! It's gonna be sick!"

"Beds?" Patrick clarified, his eyes widening. "How long are we gonna be on this train?"

"Well," Pete recalled. "This train makes a couple stops on the way, so about four days."

"We could've been there in four hours on a plane," Patrick commented, brusquely.

"Are you really willing to risk going on a plane right now?" Pete rolled his eyes back at his friend, playfully, but with a hint of annoyance. "Have you seen the weather lately? There's never been a snowstorm like this one in my entire life! We're lucky I didn't crash the car on the drive over here!"

"That's what this is about?" Patrick snapped.

"We're not gonna die on a train," Pete reasoned. "Planes are already dangerous enough without adding weather problems. If you think about it, I just saved our lives. You should be thanking me right now."

"Whatever." Patrick exhaled angrily as he handed his ticket to the crew member and waiting for the door to the first class compartment to open.

"Enjoy your trip," The crew member smiled, opening up the door for Patrick and Pete. "Happy holidays!"

"Thank you," Patrick mustered up a smile as he took his ticket back and walked through the door.

"You're not understanding me!" Pete called, following Patrick quickly. "This is gonna be so much better than taking a plane! Look around you! This place is perfect!"

"Twenty-four A," Patrick muttered to himself, looking around for the corresponding seat number.

"There it is!" Pete announced, crossing Patrick and settling into an empty seat and reclining back comfortably. "Now this is what I call luxury travel! We're gonna be sittin' pretty this whole trip!"

"This whole four-day trip," Patrick thought out loud, annoyedly. "Aren't we supposed to be getting there by the twenty-fifth?"

"Patrick, c'mon!" Pete narrowed his eyes. "The twenty-fifth? You really can't just say Christmas?"

"I could," Patrick shrugged. "But I choose not to. All it is to me is another day to get through."

"Stop being ridiculous," Pete laughed. "You sound like a villain from one of those TV Christmas specials with those ugly little clay people. Come and sit down, you're making me tired just watching you."

"I just don't see the point of it all," Patrick sighed, settling into the fancy, cushy train seat next to Pete. "It's ridiculous! I-"

"I know," Pete sighed, rolling his eyes. "You've said this before. 'Christmas is a holiday created by a secret government organization that's only there to make consumerism spike for a little bit.' I get it."

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less - A Geetrick AUWhere stories live. Discover now