Seven: A Critical Mistake

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"Pete... this isn't what it looks like..."

"Oh really?" Pete barked sarcastically, with an angry laugh. "Because it looks like is you making out with the love of my life's brother! Please, tell me what's really happening!"

"Pete, I swear-"

"Gerard, could you please leave us alone for a second?" Pete asked aggressively, not even turning to look at Gerard. "I'd like to talk to Patrick in private."

"Pete, I'm sor-"

"LEAVE!" Pete snarled, pointing a finger towards the door aggressively.

"Patrick, I'm sorry." Gerard followed Pete's order timidly, shuffling out of the room rapidly. Pete slammed the door behind him and turned back to face Patrick.

"I promise, I can explain-"

"Explain it, then!" Pete demanded. "Tell me what was happening between you and Gerard. I'm waiting."

"I swear, it isn't what it looks like!" Patrick defended.

"You were kissing him!" Pete shouted. "He said he loved you! You were in our sleeping compartment! Together! Oh my god, Patrick, what have you done?"

"Pete! Listen to me!"

"I'm listening." Pete folded his arms, obviously upset. "Spit it out."

Patrick racked his brain for a quick lie to tell Pete but found himself unable to think of one.

"Pete," he stalled. "You have to understand the circumstances-"

"Cut to the chase!" Pete bellowed. "What were you doing with his tongue in your mouth? Huh?"

"Pete, I'm sorry..." Patrick admitted. "I brought him back here so we could... have some privacy-"

"Why?" Pete asked. "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't mean for it to happen, I just-"

"Don't give me that!" Pete shouted. "This is another person you're talking about! You can't play games like this! Especially when you're gonna be seeing more of him in the future!"


"Patrick, wake up!" Pete shoved Patrick's shoulder aggressively. "Look, I don't know a lot about love, but I do know that you don't let people fall for you if you have no intention of catching them. That's just not what decent people do!"

"What gives you the right to assume something like that?" Patrick argued.

"He's falling in love with you! He said it to your face!"

"That's not what I m-"

"Do you love him back?"

"What? I... I mean-"

"That's what I thought," Pete sighed. "You and I both know you can't love anyone. Not really. All you care about is yourself."

"How dare you say that about me?!"

"Argue all you want, you know I'm right," Pete sighed. "I tried to help you, you know? I thought a nice train ride with some decent people would break you out of this disillusionment with life, but I was wrong."

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less - A Geetrick AUWhere stories live. Discover now