Five: The Buildup

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A.N.— June 13 2020
Hello! I just wanted to include this piece of art that Tumblr user @hn_rcg made based on this story and say please go follow them on Tumblr if you don't already, their art is amazing!! 🥺

— June 13 2020Hello! I just wanted to include this piece of art that Tumblr user @hn_rcg made based on this story and say please go follow them on Tumblr if you don't already, their art is amazing!! 🥺

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*Day 3*

"Oh my god, Patrick," Pete blabbed, sitting cross legged on top of his bed as Patrick pushed the blankets off of himself and woke up to the sound of Pete's voice. "You would not believe what happened yesterday. You just wouldn't believe me if I told you. If you were there, you would've been as amazed as I was."

"Pete, you've been talking all night and all morning and you still haven't told me what happened," Patrick groaned tiredly, sitting up as well. "Just spit it out."

"Okay, since you asked," Pete started, excitedly grinning. "Mikey and I went to the viewing car together and we found these perfect seats right in the middle. It looked like the whole world was ours. I mean, we couldn't really see anything because of the snow, but things cleared up a few times. Just enough for us to catch a glimpse of a mountain or something. You know, the funny thing about snow is-"

"Pete, you're going on a tangent," Patrick chimed in.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited! I'll get back to the story." Pete shook off his thoughts quickly. "So, Mikey and I were sitting there, looking out the window. Our hot chocolates were making the window steam up, which reminded me of that one scene in Titanic, only without the sex going on-"

"Pete! The story!"

"Sorry. So, we were looking out the window, and then suddenly, bam! The lights all went out! The bulb must've flickered out for a second when we went through a tunnel. We were freaked out for a second, but when those lights came back on, oh my god..."

"What happened?" Patrick leaned in, genuinely interested in the story. "Keep going."

"When those lights flicked back on," Pete seemed to get chills simply by reliving the memory. "He looked at me. He had that little hint of fear on his face that you get when something startles you, but then, he started laughing. I guess he was laughing at himself for getting startled, but..."

He paused, taking a second to smile in all of his starry-eyed glory.

"You should've seen the way he looked right then... you should've heard what he sounded like when he laughed... It was just... I've never felt so... ugh, I can't even find the words to describe it. I've never felt anything like that in my entire life."

"What happened next?" Patrick inquired, resting his chin on his hands as he leaned forward. "Did you kiss him?"

Pete shook his head.

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