Four: The Opposites

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"Hey, Pete..." Mikey timidly purred.

"Mikey! Hi!" Pete stammered, stopping in front of Mikey, taking a moment to admire the beauty that stood in front of him before even attempting to utter another word. "Good to... good to see you again..."

"Oh god," Patrick thought to himself. "He's already messing up."

"Pete, don't be nervous," Mikey giggled, completely flattered by Pete's nervous affection. "It's just me you're talking to."

"Just me," Pete scoffed. "How could someone as perfect as you ever describe yourself as 'just me?' It's... it's not possible... shoot, I'm messing it all up..."

It was difficult for Patrick to discern which of the three people around him was blushing the hardest. He gave up his quest to figure that out, however, when his eyes landed on Gerard. Gerard looked up, and as soon as he noticed that Patrick was looking at him, his smile disappeared and he suddenly seemed flustered. Patrick had noticed the makeup, and wanted to ask about it, but judging by the unusually timid reaction Gerard had shown him, he felt it was best to keep quiet. At least for a little bit.

"Want to sit down?" Mikey redirected the entire group to a booth right next to a big window. There was nothing to see besides snow and occasionally a small glimpse of a mountain.

"Hello," a waitress dropped by their table and picked up a notepad cheerily. "My name's Ashley, I'll be your server. Can I interest you in a cup of peppermint hot chocolate? It's our specialty!"

"Sure thing!" Pete spoke first.

"Me too!" Mikey chimed in.

"That sounds delicious," Gerard spoke softly yet clearly. "I'll have one too."

"So that's three peppermint hot chocolates," Ashley jotted down. "And you? Lemme guess: peppermint hot chocolate?"

"No thanks," Patrick declined. "I'll have a coffee."

"Any cream and sugar?" Ashley asked.

"No thanks," Patrick once again declined.

"Alright then." Ashley tucked away her notepad quickly. "I'll be back with your drinks in a few minutes. Again, I'm Ashley if you need anything."

She walked away, softly humming a Christmas song to herself. She was obviously in a cheery, Christmas-y mood.

"How'd you sleep?" Pete asked, once Ashley was gone.

"Okay, I guess," Mikey shrugged. "It's just that it was cold last night. I had a lot of trouble getting warm."

"What's the deal with that?" Gerard huffed. "It's so cold outside; can't these people just turn up the heat a little?"

"I think the cold is kinda cozy," Pete chimed in, a blush rising to his face. "I mean, you have sweaters, blankets, fireplaces-"

"Cuddling," Mikey blurted, without thinking before he spoke. He blushed and covered his mouth with one of his hands embarrassedly. Pete did the same. Gerard couldn't help but burst out laughing. Patrick, as usual, wished to be anywhere else.

"Mikey!" Gerard guffawed, over-dramatically. "At least give him a chance to kiss you first, damn!"

"Gee!" Mikey hushed, blushing furiously.

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less - A Geetrick AUWhere stories live. Discover now