Ch. 18Rumors

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Chapter 18  


Angie POV  

I don't want to go to school! Thank god it is Sunday! Yesterday I spent the day in my bed rethinking everything that happened. I can't believe that I agreed to that date! I thought it was going to be fun. At least now I know that I will never ever understand how I could like that guy! Ugh... I can't believe it! I am so stupid and it was ridiculous for me to think that he could actually like me! I am so dumb! I will never understand myself and him! What kind of person would do something like that? Oh.. yeah.. Matt would do that! And who would be stupid enough to believe that? Me, of course! Stupid old me!  

One day later.  

I seriously don't want to go! But it has to be done. I get out of my car and walk with my head up high. Just like I don't have a care in the world. I saunter up to the front steps and go inside. I suddenly see everybody turn around and look at me. I should be used to this but not in this extreme measure. What got into these people? Am I seriously the only thing they care about? Get a life! The girls stand at the lockers looking down on their phones and giggling and laughing at me. I look  at them with a surprised look. I keep walking but all of the people just stare at me. This is really uncomfortable. What is wrong with them!  

I walk along getting more and more uncomfortable. Then I see Matt at the lockers high-fiveing his friends! Okay.Awkward.Why are they high-fiving him? What did he do? Did he tell anybody about this? Oh no he wouldn't! He probably told everybody what he did to me and that I resisted! Before I can keep going with my thoughts Hannah comes up to me.  

“How could you do this to me?” she screams.  

“I didn't do anything! What are you talking about anyway?” I shout back at her.  

“You know damn right what I am talking about! If you just didn't only care about yourself you could maybe have spared us this embarrassment!” she screams.  

“I don't know what you are talking about! Please I am in the dark! Just tell me!” I say.  

“All of this was a bet! A mother-fucking bet! The boys bet that Matt could take our virginity to get back his manhood and playerness!” Nessi whines.  

“WHAT!!?? I didn't even sleep with him! Why would you think that? After seeing what happened to you! I wouldn't do that!” I shout.  

“But you did, otherwise he wouldn't have won the bet!” Nessi mumbles.  

“He lied! He opened my bra clasp and kissed my neck! That was it! Then I ran away! Really!!” I shout.  

“Just stop denying it! We all know you did it with that ass!” Hannah say disappointed and walks away with Nessi.  

Matt is officially the biggest liar and ass and ugh...! How could somebody do something like that! He is just unbelievable and unpredictable! Such an ass! I walk, rather stomp, to my locker and see that there is “WHORE” written on it! I am not a whore! I never even slept with that guy! How could they say that! They don't even have any evidence! They are so manipulative and believe everything  they hear! What must Jace think about this!  

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Angie?” Jace screams. I quickly pull him into the closet which is conveniently near. It is so cramped that we are seriously close. About five centimetres space is between us.  

“I didn't do anything! Do you also think I am a whore?! FYI I didn't sleep with him! I am not a slut or whore or whatever they think of me! I didn't do anything with him! Why would I sleep with a guy that has slept with two of my only friends?! Do you think I am that dumb? Just because I am a blonde? If you think I am a slut, I haven't even had my first kiss!” I whisper shout.  

“Then why is everybody saying that you did?! Did they just all decide to pick on you today? I don't think so! How should I be able to believe you didn't! There is no evidence! And everybody says so! AKA the majority! You are so easy to be manipulated! I thought you liked me! I actually really liked you! But you don't care at all! I don't understand you! You are playing with my feelings! Why did you agree anyway?! And your virginity not just another itch to scratch! It is a big deal!” he says.  

“Yeah! I bet you have a lot of experience with that!” I shout.  

“It is not about me! Ugh.. you don't understand!” he says and storms out of the closet.  

He leaves me sitting there in the closet on the floor crying. I hate him! Why do we have to have this shitty project together?! Why him! I really liked him! Now he doesn't even believe a word I say! Just because of some shitty rumor! That isn't even true! Fuck this! Ugh... I hate my life! I stand up and get out of that closet and let the rest of the day pass by without paying any attention to anything. I feel horrible. And it doesn't change throughout the day. I am alone at lunch because Hannah and Nessi don't sit with me. Now I have nobody. Nobody.  

here is the second one for today! Hope you liked it! Vote comment follow share promote and love kisses from me! :-*

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