May 15, 2014 [Faith]

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"For I will walk by faith even when I cannot see." ~2 Corinthians 5:7


Somedays, I don't feel like getting out of bed. I don't want to face the world. I just want to hide away in my bed all day. Wouldn't be awesome if we could do that sometimes?

Well, we can't. We have responsibilities. You have to go to school. You have to take that test you've been dreading all week. Then, you'll be sitting at lunch all alone, with no one talking to you, wondering, "What did I ever do to deserve this??"

You probably didn't do anything. That's just the way it happens. It's those kind of days that when nothing is going your way, you just want to give up. But don't! God has so much planned for us, but we just can't see it! This verse says that we will continue to go on by putting our faith in Him.

What does faith really mean? If you look it up, there are 3 definitions. The first one is: confidence or trust in a person or thing. This has to do with what this bible verse means. We trust that God is letting whatever is happening in our life for a reason, and that some good will come out of it. We have to put our trust in Him.

The next meaning is: belief that is not based on proof. This has to do with the verse too. For this, I'm going to quote a line from one of my favorite movies now, God's Not Dead. "People say we can't prove that God exists, but I say we can't disprove that God exists either." That's a powerful line. This meaning though, kind of ties into the first one, trust in God. We have trust in this belief that isn't based on proof. Although, sometimes I argue that there is proof. I feel it when God talks to me, or my love for God couldn't be for nothing. He has to be that tingle I get in my heart every so often.

The last meaning listed is: belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion. This one, of course, ties into the verse! In fact, it ties into the other two means as well! We put our trust in something that isn't based on proof that God exists.

So, the whole point of this is to say, don't give up. God can see the whole picture that you can't. Put faith in Him. After all, He knows what He's doing.

Dear God, I find myself asking myself often, "Why?" I shouldn't. I need have faith that You know what You're doing, and I need to trust you. Help me remember this. Amen.

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