June 1, 2014 [Lost]

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A/N: Again guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! This time I have an actual entry, and I hope you guys like it! Make sure to vote and comment! I love you guys.

"If you are lost, God will find you." ~Luke 19:10


We all have those days when we are so confused, so lost. It seems like there is no good; just bad. We're so confused and stressed out. It feels like the world is out to get us, and we are crumbling down. I'm not going to lie, there is going to be more of these kind of days. This isn't the end. You don't just go through one, and then you're done.

God doesn't give anything you can't handle. It may not seem like it sometimes, but it's true. He gives His hardest battles to His toughest soldiers. Remember that the next time you are going through something tough. Better yet, you're not alone! God is with you! He is guiding you along!

When you feel lost, just pray. I know I say it a lot, but it really is the solution to anything you have. Praying makes everything seem better. After all, You were just talking to the King of Kings. Anyways, when I'm lost, I pray. Whenever I open my eyes, it feels so much clearer and calmer. That's God telling you which path to take! But remember, I said he was guiding you, not taking you. You have to decide if you want to take the path or not. Take it! While you're lost in the maze of life, God can see which path leads you out. Follow His paths, because He knows what He's doing, and He'll get you out!

Dear God, I'll admit it, I am so lost. I need You're wisdom and guidance to get me out of this mess. I trust that You know the way out, and I know You will guide me. Remind me that You know what's best, and help me follow whatever path You have ahead for me. I need You. Amen.

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