October 25, 2015 [Keep Going]

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"You keep track of all of my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book."
~Psalm 56:8

Keep Going-

I know I haven't written a chapter in a while. But even though my updates slowed, my life certainly didn't. It picked up like crazy! During that time, I've learned a lot, and I can easily sum it up in only a couple words: Life is hard.

That's a given though, right? We've figured that out on our own because all of our lives are hard. We're all aware of the hardships of life. But I've noticed a lot of us don't realize that it gets better. I've found myself saying, "Yeah, yeah. 'It's gonna get better.' When, exactly?" And the truth is, we don't know when it's going to get better. It could be a while. But it's important to remember that we were never promised an easy life, but we were promised assurance as guidance from Him.

I've felt my relationship lacking with the Lord lately. I was talking to someone the other day, about how I've felt like my emotions were almost broken; it's felt like i've just going through the motions for way too long. I would really appreciate some prayers. I've been having a lot of issues in my life at the moment that I wish not to get in to.

This week it honestly felt like things were falling apart right in front of me, that I couldn't do anything about. But at the same time, it's been looking up a little, too. God has come up countless times this week—the way things have played out this week have shown His hand in my life, and He's come up a lot in conversations too, which I really love. I love communicating and talking to people just about how great our God really is. It's really one of the reasons I enjoy this book so much. I love the fact that even though I've been through rough times, they have allowed me to have a better, more relatable connection with people that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to reach.

The point of sharing this is that I think this is very relatable, not only to my readers, but everyone. It's not secret that we all face troubles, but the part some people forget is it does get better. It will eventually. So, keep going. Have faith that God is watching after you specifically, and He cares for you. A lot. Don't lose faith in Him, no matter what!!

Dear God,
I know I've been through a lot of discouraging hardships lately, but I also know You are watching after me. Remind me of Your greatness, of your ability to do amazing things. Allow me to use my rough times for the betterment of You and others around me. I love You and I trust You with all of my heart. Amen.

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