November 30, 2014 [Time]

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"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." ~Psalm 90:12


Do you know how many seconds are in a day? 86,400. That sounds like a lot!

Yet, it's still hard to manage time. We wake up and go to school, and it seems like as soon as we get home we are getting ready for bed. Unfortunately, time can fly by past.

God is coming back one day, but no one knows when. This is when time can be very important. Our days are numbered here on earth, so we need to spend every day and every second wisely. Make sure you are leaving enough time to read your Bible and pray every day. Make time daily to spend time with the Lord.

Time is so precious. If you don't spend it wisely, it's useless. Make sure to devote your time to God.

Dear God, I know I don't have a lot of free time in my day. Sometimes, I just want to relax. I waste my time and then I don't have enough time left to spend with You. I'm sorry. Please help me manage my time so I get to spend more time with You. Amen.

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