Chapter 7

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Jack woke up to Cruthie peacefull snuggled against his chests, one of his hands clutching some of his shirt. Jack smiled at the sight. He tried not to move, as to not wake the smaller boy, but Crutchie soon blinked his eyes and yawned.

"Morning Sunshine." Jack mused.

Crutchie chuckled and stretched a little. "Mornin' "

"Sleep well?" Jack ran his fingers through Crutchie's hair, something he found himself liking a lot.

"Best." He smiled and folded his arms under his head, resting it upright. He was still completely on top of Jack, but neither minded at all. 

Right after, the morning bell sounded loudly. "I do believe it's time to sell some papes." Jack smiled wide.

"Ugh, but I don't want to get up!" Crutchie wined. 

"Aww come on, up." 

Crutchie rolled off Jack and onto the ground. He crawled over to his crutch and used it to get up. 

Jack poked his head in the window. "Hey, someone make sure Romeo's up." He said, quieter than usual, and with a smile on his face.

Romeo got up instantly. "Looks like they made up" He laughed. Specs whacked his head with his hat as Romeo walked by his top bunk. "Hey!"

Jack and Crutchie got their clothes situated and Crutchie started to head down the ladder. 

"Hey, no mornin kiss?" Crutchie looked back to see Jack smirking and leaning on one of the rails. 

Cruthcie blushed and giggled. He was not sure what they were, but now he was convinced that these feelings were not bad. He wasn't sure if they were normal, but he was not upset by them anymore. He made his way over to Jack, who in turn, placed his hand on the small of Crutchie's back. Crutchie propped himself up with his crutch and his left tiptoe and their lips met for a quick kiss. 

"Now that's a way to say good morning" Jack chuckled. Crutchie reached up and pulled Jack's hat down playfully and went back over to the latter. Once Jack fixed his hat and grabbed his bag, Crutchie was already half way down. 

"Hey, wait up down there."

While they waited at the gate, everyone was talking like normal, but a few of the boys were looking between Jack and Crutchie, unsure of what happened. The day before, they were like opposing magnets, but it looked like you couldn't pull them apart.

Specs started to gossip with Romeo and Race gave them a glare. "Woah, Race, what's got you in a twist?" Romeo asked.

"I just don't think it's right to use other people's business as a source of amusement." He motioned to the two boys who were currently laughing at some mutual joke.

"Man, sorry Race, I didn't think of it like that." Specs rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Well, maybe it's time you start." Race walked away, leaving Romeo and  Specs dumbfounded.

Just then, the new headline was released. "TOOK FAITH CURE AND DIED.; r.Dowie's Methods Again Under Investigation in Chicago."

There was a collaborative "EYY" As some kids got excited. 

Jack clapped his hands "Not a bad headline boys!"

Kids started buying a few more papers than usual. "I'll take two hundred," Jack said as he slapped a dollar and a nickel down on the box. 

"A hundred fifty for me Mr Weisel." Cruchie followed behind. 

Davey followed suit with his cents "How 'bout a hundred today." He smiled.

It was a profitable day and all the boys were going to sleep with full bellies. Jack and Crutchie were sat on the rooftop watching the sunset, Jack's arm around Crutchie's shoulders. Jack hadn't thought about it much before all this, but he really liked holding Crutchie. He was a little worried he was doing it out of sympathy at first, but he knew by now that he actually really liked it. He just wasn't sure if he liked Crutchie himself that way. 

Jack turned to Crutchie and watched his expression with a smile. Crutchie was less of a dreamer of the two, but he was always the one to like the sunsets. This night's was especially pretty. Jack couldn't help but kiss Crutchie's jaw lightly. Crutchie jumped and looked over, blushing.


"Sorry kid"

Crutchie sighed, smiling. "It's fine, just warn me next time?"


Crutchie smiled and nodded. He looked back at the sunset, but Jack kept staring at him. After a while, Crutchie giggled and shook his head.

Jack chucked "What?"

Crutchie turned to face him. "You just lookin' at me like that... Jack, yous always the one startin the kiss, so is it okay if I ask you sometimes?" 

"Why sure! I'll take one from you anytime." Jack smirked slightly.

Crutchie leaned forward and their foreheads touched before they moved for the kiss. Crutchie brought his hand up to Jack's hair, and he allowed the smaller boy to lead the kiss instead. Jack moved his arm from Crutchie's shoulders to his lower back, and he arched it a bit at the touch. 

"Hey Jack, Crutchie, Do-" Race stopped dead in his tracks. Jack and Crutchie jumped apart. 

Jack looked at Race angrily. "I always tell you guys not to come up here." He said that a little calmer than his face looked.

"I uh I'm sorry, I won't tell the others I promise." Race said quickly and then left just as suddenly as he'd arrived. 

Once he came back inside, Romeo looked up, "Hey is they playin?" They were setting up a game of go fish. 

"Oh, uh... no. Not today."

"Jack and Crutchie denying a go fish game? What are they doin up there?" Specs dealt some cards.

"Yeah, 'Ave they got girls wit them?" Romeo wiggled his eyebrows.

"N-no" Race looked pale as a sheet.

Romeo and Specs looked at each other and then ran towards the window. "NO!" Race shouted and ran in front of it so they wouldn't go out onto the fire escape. "Just watchin' the sunset an don't want to be disturbed or nothin'." He spoke in a definite tone. All the other boys that joined in the commotion shrugged and sat down. 

"I'm winning this time for sure!" Specs said as he sat down with his hand.

"Elmer, got any 7s?"

Sorry for no update yesterday, I had my big winter orchestra concert.

Word count: 1041

The crutch that ain't under my arm (Crutchie x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now