Chapter 11

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Jack and Crutchie were up on the rooftop again, just looking at the stars in silence. It was peaceful and lovely. Both boys seemed afraid to break the silence. Eventually, Jack caved.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit the sack. Howsabout a goodnight kiss for your ol' Jackey?" He smiled at Crutchie.

"Not tonight Jack." Crutchie didn't even move to look at him.

"Oh, okay." Jack was caught off guard but retreated to his usual sleeping spot.

"Night Crutchie." He said before closing his eyes.

"Night Jack." Crutchie still hadn't moved from his stargazing spot. He fell asleep some time into the night, but not before the sky showed the dim signs of mornings approach.

The rest of the next day, the other Newsies could tell something was up between Jack and Crutchie, but they learned not to question it.

You would think it would get old after a while, but still time after time, Race found himself smiling like an idiot as he made the trek to the corner of 11th street and 49th Avenue. He was sure that the giddiness of young love would never wear out. Spot was his everything and he knew he would not let that go away. He would never let Spot get taken away from him.

With those thoughts in mind, he put a little skip in his step. He arrived relatively soon, not even feeling tired after his hour walk.

He whistle called out and didn't hear a response. He walked around a little, calling every 30 seconds or so. Eventually, he heard a response from a dark, thin alley. He knew it was Spot's call, but it still made him uneasy to go down it. He took a deep breath and put on his brave face. At the very least, Spot would protect him. He could defend himself, sure, but he knew he had the strongest band of newsies behind him, and above all, he had Spot, the most feared and respected Newsie completely on his side.

Cautiously, he shuffled down the alley, smiling in relief once it widened a little. He called out again and then walked forward some more.

Soon, he felt some strong arms wrap around his waist. He lifted his arms in reaction, relaxing right after.

"Hey." He smiled

"Hey yourself." Spot rested his head on Race's shoulder.

"Why the new place?" Race took his cigar it if his pocket and twiddled it in his fingers before placing it in his mouth.

Spot let go lightly and turned around Race so he'd be facing his boyfriend. "Harder tu find. Further from the street. Just tu be on the safe side fo' now."

"Alrighty." Race chuckled.

"Do what's a pretty boy like yourself been up tu?" Spot stepped back and leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"Oh you know. Selling papes. Winnin moneyyy." He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket and shook them around before putting them back where they came from.

Spot chucked. "Hey, what ever happened to that Jack fella. He get together with his boy toy yet?"

"Eh. They's on an off. One moment they's kissin, the next, Crutchie's not speakin to him." He shrugged and then leaned in almost whispering. "I thinks he's still with that Katherine gurl."

Spot rolled his eyes. "They needs tu figure their lives out."

Race took his cigar from his mouth, "least we've got ours figured."

Race started walking towards Spot, pocketing his cigar before pinning him against the wall, kissing him gently at first, but then rougher and needier.

The crutch that ain't under my arm (Crutchie x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now