Chapter 10

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Almost all the boys were hanging out at Jakobie's. Some were sipping a glass of water, while others were eating food they'd ordered. Jack was sitting on the table with his feet on a chair and Cruthie was sitting in the chair next to the one Jack was occupying. 

Jack looked around and noticed everyone but him and Crutchie in conversations. He leaned over to him and said quietly, "Hey, howsabout we break outta here an' head back early."

Crutchie looked up at him, smiling. "Yeah, okay."

Jack smiled and patted Crutchie's shoulder. "Hey, Crutch n' I's gonna head back early today, K? See yous later. Don't stay out too late, alright?" He smiled, jokingly. 

"Yes mudda" Race, who was up on the table next to Jack leaned back, rather than turning around, and smiled. 

Jack chuckled and they headed out, a few of the other newsies mumbling their goodbyes. As soon as they left, Jack looked around to make sure no one was watching them, and he grabbed Crutchie's free hand, ducking down into the alley next to the restaurant. 

"Jack? What's ya doin?" Crutchie sped up to match his pace.

"You jus lookin way too cute in there.  That otta be a crime." He smiled weakly, almost smirking and Crutchie blushed bright, surprised. He felt his breath start to hitch. Jack's heart started beating, his head spinning with questions. He was not quite sure still why he was attracted to Crutchie or if he was attracted to boys or just Crutchie. All he knew was that there was a really cute boy in front of him with slightly messed up hair and breathing laboured from moving fast who also had blush dusted across his nose and cheeks. And he wanted him.

Jack pushed Crutchie over to the wall and kissed him, surprisingly gentle. Crutchie just about melted, letting Jack and the wall hold him up. He brought his arms up to Jack's hair.

Jack felt Crutchie start to slide down a little, so he moved his hands from the smaller boy's shoulders to his hips. He licked Crutchie's bottom lip, eliciting a small squeak from the blonde boy. Jack used this opportunity to enter into the others mouth, their tongues melding into one. 

At this, Crutchie pushed his hips forward a bit, tentatively. Jack responded with a moan and grinded up against the smaller boy who was now a complete blushing mess. Crutchie hummed a little into the kiss and everything was golden for a few moments. Jack suddenly felt some pressure in his pants, causing his eyes to shoot open.

Jack suddenly broke the kiss. "I'm sorry I-" 

He held Crutchie up still, for he knew by now that he gets incredibly weak when getting intimate. Had he let go, Crutchie would most definitely have fallen. 

"What?" Crutchie asked with wide eyes. "Did I do something?" 

"No," His voice cracked. "I mean, uhh." He took one hand and ran his fingers through his hair. He had never had that happen with another guy before. He hadn't really thought about it much. He was undoubtedly attracted to Crutchie, but Crutchie was a boy

"Hey, don't worry. I won push ya to do nothin you don't wanna." Crutchie smiled at him but was a little confused. Jack was the one initiating most of the contact. If he was confused then what even were they. Were they a closeted item, or were they merely a friends with benefits scenario. Though he was not really sure what could constitute as benefits, for this was the furthest they'd gone. 

Crutchie regained his footing and grabbed his crutch which had lied, forgotten on the ground. 

"Hey, I'm sorry baby. Let's go home, yeah?" Jack asked Crutchie, holding his hand out. 

Crutchie smiled a real smile this time and grabbed Jack's hand before they both headed towards the lodging house. 

They had been on their way for a little while when they ran into a girl in a recognisable pink dress. 

"Jack!" She raced over to them.

"Kath! What're you doin here?"Jack let go of Crutchie's hand to hug her. 

"I was on my way to find you. We should really catch up again!"

"Yeah." Jack smiled and nodded.

"What do you say we all go to my house for some tea? Crutchie, you too!" She laughed.

"Sure, whaddu yu say Crutch?" Jack tapped Crutchie's arm with the back of his hand. 

"Sure!" He smiled wide. He liked Katherine a lot. She was part of the reason they won the strike. He just didn't like how she had the power to steal Jack from him and that she sometimes treated him like he was younger, just because of his disability. Well, honestly most everyone but Jack did that, so he couldn't really blame her.

As they all walked to Katherine's house, Jack and Kath were talking, while Crutchie walked behind them. He realised happily that he felt like his old self again. He smiled naturally and he felt laid back. He was mildly irked that his plans got messed up, but he was always down for an adventure, especially if it was with Jack.

Once they got into Kath's house, Crutchie almost didn't even want to step inside. He felt like he'd mess up the clean, fancy interior. Jack acted similar, but not to as much a degree as Crutchie. He had been there a few times, so he didn't feel as awkward about it. 

"Have you boys eaten?" She asked quickly after they took off their shoes. 

"Oh, I'm fine miss," Crutchie said quickly.

"That doesn't answer my question. Jack?"

"Truthfully, not yet."

"Well, let's get some food in you! Follow me." Katherine led them into the kitchen. They all ate a meal and they did have a lovely time catching up. Crutchie did feel awkwardly like a third wheel though, which kind of annoyed him, especially after what just happened. 

When around everyone else, Jack paid extra attention to Crutchie, but when around Katherine, she seemed to replace that role he was used to having. He kept his good spirits up though. He couldn't upset Jack. He still felt terrible for breaking down when Jack visited Kath last time. He didn't want to become that overprotective jealous friend. He just noticed when they got a little more touchy-feely than normal friends, which made his smile falter a little.

When they left, Crutchie said bye with a smile, but when the other two hugged goodbye, his eyes were no longer sparkling quite as bright.

Alrightyyy I'm back from my break! Sorry if this chapter isn't very good. I kinda had to force myself to get back into it.

Okay, so I named the title The Crutch That Aint Under My Arm because the whole book is partially about relationship dependencies and you know like a baby blanket is an example of a crutch? Idk, is it too much to think about in a title, like is it misleading? Lmk if you think I should change it. I'm open to suggestions as well. :)

Word count: 1085

The crutch that ain't under my arm (Crutchie x Jack)Where stories live. Discover now