Do I Have to?

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Still, fuming, I let Casey lead me to our hotel room. She was completely ignoring the fact that I still wasn't happy with her. Her voice eventually ran over my inner monologue. She was telling me to look over the contract.

Well, duh.

She also said to get plenty of rest. We were shoving off in the morning, and my first day on the job was oddly enough tomorrow night. But I would have to go to the studio, so I can get a company mandatory makeover.

Apparently, it's in my contract. Great. I couldn't wait.

After studying, the dreaded contract for twenty minutes. Took me that long to figure out that, that was Casey's trick to get me to review almost the whole contract. It did say they could alter my appearance as they wanted, within reason.

I was really going to have to call Mr. Richard — Casey's dad — and have him look over all this. I really cannot fight it now but at least he can tell me what it all means.

Spread out on the bed, passed out clutching my papers when Casey — who slammed the door and gave me a heart attack to wake up — found me. My feelings for my "best friend" were starting to change.

I think she wants me to die of embarrassment because right behind her is a really nice looking man. I don't really know how to describe him, seeing as all I can see is his outline because I still have sleep in my eyes.

It's like my brain knew he was good-looking. Despite my embarrassment or rather, just not noticing it, Casey turned to the man and gestured between us.

"Xander, this is Theresa Baxter, your new co-star and show psychic. Theresa this is Xander Sagan your co-star and dreamboat." Wiping the sleep from my eyes and stand up. I walk over to him with my hand outstretched; which is what I assume you do when introduced to someone.

He grasped my hand, much unlike James who vise gripped my hand, Xander barely held on to it. As soon as, our hands meet there was a jolt of electricity, I jumped back wrenching my hand free. He looks shocked at first, but he quickly regains himself and puts a sneer on his face.

"Thank you for shocking me. I guess you are proving to be a pain. Look just do everyone a favor and stay out of our way, mine especially. We are here trying to prove there is life after death, and James only brought you on to try to get more ratings." He leered at me to get his point across.

"Make a joke out of us, so I would appreciate it if you just didn't make a spectacle out of yourself and by association the crew. Thanks a lot, doll."

With that, he was gone leaving me dumbfounded and Casey's mouth hanging agape.

We looked at each other at the same time.

"What did you do to him?" "Is he always like this?" We asked each other at the same, I nodded towards her to speak first.

"No, he is usually one of the nicest, laid back guys I have ever meet. Certainly the calmest, friendliest one out of the crew. Wait till you meet Maddox, if he doesn't scare you then you will love him." Her nonchalant response shocked whatever I was going to say right out of my head.

"I will do what he asks, it won't be hard considering I have no clue how to work my psychic mojo, as you love to call it."

Speaking it out loud my brain starts running, if I don't prove that I am psychic then I will probably lose my job, be called a fraud. Then Casey will probably lose her job too for being a liar. Or I can show my psychic self off and run the chance of the crew hating me and hazing me.

Oh god, what the fuck am I going to do?

Unaware of Casey moving around the room leaving me to crumble into pieces once again. I wasn't aware she had returned to me until she was gently pulling my hand out and placing a rather thin, rectangular mirror looking thing in my hand.

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