What Was That?

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I was through the door as soon as the ground's keeper opened it. I didn't even think about Casey I knew she would follow me. I didn't pause to marvel in the breathtakingly beautiful home I just walked in. I could hear Casey gasp in awe when she took in the view.

I raced to the stairs and started climbing them two at a time, I was holding onto the very smooth and polished banister as I climbed. I could just tell that boy needed my help. I would not let him down. I couldn't. I actually waited for Casey when I reached the stair's landing, she smiled a knowing type of smile at me.

"I need you to talk, we need to know everything you feel, see, hear or think. If it helps you can just pretend you are talking to me." I nodded, more to myself than to tell her I heard her. Where do I start? I guess with Him.

"I saw a little boy in rags, standing at the window when we were coming inside. Someone pulled him out of the window and they disappeared. I have this feeling he needs our help. I am just trying to find him." I started down the first hallway opening the doors, and going to the windows and seeing where they faced.

After two fully searched hallways and endless chatter to "Casey" about feelings and thoughts, we finally came to the last possible room it could be. I put my hand on the knob, bracing myself for the worse, praying to whoever watched over me. I turned the knob and slowly pushed opened the door.

I crept into the room, carefully, scanning the room for any sign of the boy or the person who pulled him away. Only to be greeted by nothing; no one was in the room, it looked like no one has been in here for a long time.

I tried to see if I could sense any spirits but with no luck. I cleared my mind pushing everything out. I was just to sense anything, not just him. There, was a flicker. It was gone before I could figure out what it was. I just shook my head at Casey and headed back around the room.

After a few hours of wandering the grounds and house and getting nothing more, we used the walkie-talkie to see if the rest of the gang was ready to meet up. It was barely past 6 we still had plenty of our night left.

I was strolling towards the front of the house when I rounded the corner, my eyes landed on Xander, and he had the most genuine smile on his face. It was probably the happiest I had ever seen him, so far.

My heart shuddered and locked up. I think my heart just stopped, I start to panic. I'm really not sure what's going on. My heart starts jumping around my chest. I cast my eyes downwards, so I can try to calm my heart. I rub my chest as if that will help settle it, I have never felt anything like that before.

Just as I was about to start panicking about what my heart was doing when my hands started to tingle, the surrounding air started to chill and I could see my breath cloud out in front of me.

I looked around, but couldn't spot the spirit who was here. I knew they were there, they just didn't want to be seen. I did not have time to wonder what was going on with me, I had to find out who was watching us.

I scanned the windows using my camcorder along with my eyes that and yet again there was someone behind one. This time it was a young slightly sun-kissed man, he looked like he had the finer things in life, he was definitely not from this time.

He was dressed in what was probably a nice suit before it became tattered and torn, he looked battered too, he had bruises that I could see from here. I really hoped he showed up on the camcorder's video.

I just stood there and stared at him until Casey came up and looked at my camcorder, she gasped loudly, drawing the attention of everyone else. Who gathered around me and started talking among themselves. The man locked eyes with me.

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