I'm Fine in the Fire

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I felt the familiar tingle in my hands, and at the base of my skull, my stomach was rolling as a chill ran down my spine, even in dreams I always know when a spirit is around. I slowly open my eyes and to see I am not in my Kansas anymore.

I was somewhere I did not instantly recognize the light was dim and yellow, I couldn't make out much of what was around me.

The air was stale and stank of old sweat and something tangy, my nose wrinkled in protest. My eyes scanned the room trying to make out something aside from the faded green walls, with their wallpaper peeling. Faintly I saw a doorway ahead of me.

Putting all my senses on high alert I started towards the doorway. Once I was there I could see that it lead to a hallway which was in shrouded in darkness.

I took a step back; a small voice in the back of my head started screaming to stay away from the darkness my stomach rolled hard, almost gagging me, my fingers felt froze-bitten.

Freezing water must have been poured over my head and back the only way to explain the chill I felt running through me. Not wanting to turn my back on the door I backed up slowly, not even daring to look away from.

I sense something too late and backed myself into a chair, falling into it when the back of my knees hit. Tearing my eyes from the slightly still visible doorway, I looked around me, I was sitting at a table that was not here moments ago.

Feeling fear works it's nasty through me, seizing my heart into its grip; squeezing every few beats. Something bumped the table slightly, my heart jumps to my throat. I felt my blood turn to ice as I turned and looked across the table coming face to face with a - er a man, I think.

His face was mostly purple and black and his lips sewn shut, his eyes were black. The more I stared at him, the more frozen I became, I couldn't look away and oddly enough, I was ok with that. Somewhere deep down I knew he meant me no harm. Convincing my mind of that was a different story.

My mind could not process anything else about him just his face. Warning bells went off somewhere far away in my head. He looked into my eyes and fear's hold on my heart tightened to the point I was afraid my heart would be dust.

He slowly placed his hands on the table, they were also purple and black, his nails were caked in dirt and filed to a point. I was really starting to panic, and I wanted to run I didn't know to where but that was my instinct.

I quickly realized I couldn't move.

All I could do was look down at my legs and back at the man, he nodded at me then. He picked up his left hand and tapped it on the table once and nodded his head again. Then he tapped the table twice and shook his head.

I was even more confused.

I tried to wipe my face with my hand as I struggled to figure out what this spirit wanted. But yet again my limbs wouldn't work, sighing I looked back up at the man. I guess I'm going to have to talk it out with him.

"Do you want to talk?" I could not keep the tremor out of my voice, I was scared like never before. I just stared at him, unsure of what else to do. His knuckles rapped on the table quickly. Thinking on my toes for another yes or no question.

"Ok, do you want me to help you" I couldn't help but wince when I asked him. Again his knuckles rapped the table.

How in the world was I suppose to help him?

How could I?

There was something very different about him. Something unsettling, and dark.

"Do I need to stay here?" He tapped twice, and I sighed before I could stop myself. The air around me got colder. It was the first question that came to mind and I honestly didn't know how much I didn't want to stay here until he said I didn't have to.

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