Witch Way is Up

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I woke up in the middle of the day, okay that's a lie I woke up sometime in the evening. The earlier dream is forgotten, I was ready to face the day, I had a plan.

1. Avoid having a serious conversation with the man I was currently still cuddling.
2. Coffee, shower
3. Breakfast with the crew/ briefing.
4. As soon as we get to the location, hide from Xander.

Yup, sounds like a great plan, putting the said plan into motion. I untangled myself from Xander, started the coffee maker and picked out my clothes.

By the time I had my outfit ready my coffee was done, I drank it quickly. The key to my plan was speed I was in the shower – looking back I should have wash a bit quicker – I was washing my feet when the door to the bathroom was involved in an explosion.

What was explosions name, you ask.


Her name is Casey and boy is she mad, foaming at the mouth mad. So much for my plan, I quickly straighten myself up and cover myself with my arms and wash clothe.

As soon as I see her face I cringe into the far corner of the shower.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING CLUE HOW WORRIED I AM?! DO YOU NOT CARE THAT YOU HAD A SEIZURE? ARE WE FORGETTING THAT? BRUSHING IN UNDER THE RUG ARE WE? Good to know" She started absolutely screaming at me and ended it quieter then I have ever heard her – It was here that I got truly scared you don't go from pure rage to pure calm, not like that– I didn't dare move even when she leaned out the door.

"You hear that Xander? Apparently, we're not supposed to remember that THERESA HAD A GOD DAMN SEIZURE IN HER SLEEP!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY I DON'T CANCEL TODAY AND TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL MYSELF." She hurled around on me again, I just stared at her like a fish gasping for air my mouth was just flapping as I try to think of a reason.

For unseen reasons, Xander chooses this moment to speak up.

"Hello Casey, good morning to you too, I have 3 good reasons as to why you should trust her call, Jonathan, Mae, and Jon. We finally got a way to help them, it cost Terry let it go Casey." He grabbed her shoulder and steered her out of the bathroom not before throwing me a little smile and a wink.

Okay, what the hell just happened. I did not factor in Casey when I made my plan.

Did I really have a seizure?

Did I really create a dream and bring people into it?

I need to do some research but that will have to wait. I finish my shower, dress and start out the door, I really don't want to be around Casey. Thankfully I had enough foresight to bring my bag in here with my clothes. I straighten my back, made sure my bag was on my shoulder and opened the door, I didn't look at anywhere but the room's door that was my target.

I walked out of the room and down the hallway to the elevator, before I would look back.

No one had followed me, good news.

I went to the lobby and sat on a couch and just tried to center myself. Today was already off to a bad start, I hoped to whoever had my back that it got better.

Sadly I was not left alone for long, not as long as I needed to calm myself all the way.

Maddox pulled on my hand and hugged me, much gentler than last time. He told me he was glad I was okay and that everyone was ready and he was supposed to go get the cars.

I joined him because why not, Maddox only hurt me physically I can get over that it helps he didn't really mean it.

Casey hurt my feeling as childish as it sounds that going to take a while to get over.  To be fair I scared the hell out of her, but I didn't mean to. I don't even know why it happened.

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