Calm Before the Storm

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Mae stood in front of me she appeared the way she died, twigs in her hair, face bruised and bloody, her dress was tattered and torn.

I really wanted to run away.

She looks like her final moments were not pleasant, and that she fought a lot. Underneath all the hell that happened to her, she still had her beauty, her eyes were the most lovely things about her.

That all changed when she caught sight of me and Joe.
"How dare you force me out here! Away from my child and from safety!   Who are you and what do you want?" Straight to the point I see.

I cleared my throat and dropped Joe's hand I stepped forward, careful to not mess with my salt circle. I did not want to give her the chance to run. I had her right where I want her – needed her if this conversation did not work out the way I wanted.
"My name is Theresa and this is Joe, we are here to help you. I promise – "
"Help? Help?! Do you think I want your help? Do you think I want to leave this place? Ha, you stupid girl I do not want to leave ever, trying to leave this place is what caused my son, my love and myself to DIE!!" With that she tried to disappear from our circle, thankfully the crystals did their secondary job and bind her to the circle.

When that didn't work she flew towards us, thankfully the salt circle stopped her. I could hear it singe her feet where it touched. She backed up with a hiss. I don't know much but I do know that is not a good sign.

Joe cringed and backed up I did not blame him. She was starting to look awfully scary, her eyes were changing from light brown to black. Her beauty was being replaced with rage.
"What have you done?!!" She screeched.

"I must get to my son, he is not safe without me. Let. Me. Go." She sounded strong and horrifying. I was little afraid, but my papa warned me she would mad, maybe not this mad at this point. I shake my head slightly.
"I can't let you go, you are what's hurting him, Mae, Jon deserves to be free and he deserves to decide for himself. Mae, you need to think about Jon. Does he deserve to spend his afterlife trapped in this house?" I waved behind me. 

"If that doesn't change your mind think of Jonathon, your love, you are making him watch you and Jon suffer."
"HOW DARE YOU TALK OF MY SON!" She screamed at me, I didn't even flinch, Casey screamed louder than her. "You know nothing of what happened."
"Actually my love I told her everything, just like I asked her to free you, I knew you would never leave here willing I would actually prefer you stayed here with me. But I do not want Jon to spend his afterlife here." Jonathon appeared beside me and totally freaked Joe the hell out.

I think any other cameraman would have dropped their camera and run. Joe jumped a little and sputtered a bit but he held onto my camera that I had totally forgotten about. I had placed it beside the circle I didn't even see him pick it up.

I will buy him dinner – er breakfast when all was said and done. Jonathon turned to me and he bends and kisses my hand once again, I was starting to get used to the touch of ghost lips on my hand.
"Hello Theresa, thank you for coming here."
"J-Jon-Jonathon, what are you doing?" Mae sounded more than a little surprised to see Jonathon here. That surprise quickly disappeared and turned into a rage like an insane amount of rage.

She quickly showed us that before was her calm. Her hair was now waving in the air as if it had electricity running through it, her eyes were jet black. She moved to the edge of the salt circle, she didn't care this time about her feet singeing.

She started to pace the edge, the air started to smell like burning skin. Not a great smell, let me tell you. I was starting to get a really uneasy feeling, I still have one or two tricks up my sleeve. I don't think now is the time to use either yet. This conversation needs to happen.
"It's all your fault, Jonathon all of it the running away, the being caught, our son being killed in front us, if I remember correctly, which of course I do a mother never forgets watching her child hang from a tree, this tree." She gestured to the oak in the center of the circles.
"Bounding me to this circle around this tree is just another kindness you've given me Jonathon. Did you forget what happened here? Did you forget what they did to me, to you and to our sweet Jon? You really think he will be safer out there." She gestured to the world.
"Why did you make me leave with him? What was so important that we couldn't stay here Jonathon?" She was screaming at him now and he just continued to look at like she was the most amazing thing to grace this earth.

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