New and Improved

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Xander's POV

“I really need you to have the list of equipment ready by 9 X. Please, so we can have the van loaded by 11-12, and we can be gone.” Casey was getting on my yet again about a list, it's always about some list.

I really need my brain to switch to work mode and figure out how many cameras, microphones, recorders, even how many extension cords, and a various amount of stuff Maddox makes us bring.

If I knew my crew as well as I think I do, then Ida will call me around quarter after eight with the list of equipment. She really saves my ass sometimes. I am usually too busy; researching places, editing/viewing endless amounts of video and audio trying to find those golden pieces.

Oh and I fight with James. A lot. Okay, maybe more than most would but I want to show people what we experience, and make believers out of them. I know there are ghosts and spiritual beings out there. What I don't know is how they become that way or why; which is something I would like to find out.

I am strolling through my phone dealing with various emails, texts, and random geek stuff when I hear a soft cough. Looking up, and I am pretty sure I found Alice's younger, prettier, edgier sister.

Her hair which was already fair blonde is now damn near white, except for her bangs -which are also new- and the little bits of the surrounding areas were multiple shades of purple.

It is now cut in layers, some going below her shoulders while some come up towards her chin. The curls were teased out just a bit. She really had this I talk to the dead when I am bored, and well I am always bored look going on.

I think her eyes were the best part, she looked so happy, just filled with pure joy. I have never seen anyone look so happy over a hair cut. She was starting to look embarrassed, I guess maybe I should stop staring and talk.

Right, yeah that's a good idea.

“Wow, Jeff did a great job. You look great and ready for TV.” I stammered out as I rubbed the back of my neck. Mainly, so I wouldn't have to look at her while I spoke. Something about this girl unnerved me, she wasn't like most of the people I have worked with.

I just wasn't sure whether that was a bad thing or not, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Probably one of the crew asking where we are. Joe, and Maddox were dying to meet Theresa, Ida on the other hand was not too pleased; She liked having the guys' attention a bit too much.

I shake my head and stand up and rush over to the door; only, so I could be a gentleman and hold the door. As soon as Theresa was out the door, she paused and waited for me.

That's right she doesn't know what my car looks like. I try to lead her but stay beside her, she's too busy looking around at all the different shops and buildings. How long she had lived with Casey? She looked like she just left home, where ever home was.

I even opened the car door for her when we approached my gray, no not silver, gray Accord. It wasn't a newer model, but she was reliable, sturdy, and she had never let me down in my 4 years of ownership. She slides into the seat with no hesitation, I ran around the car and follow suit.

Not too long later we are cruising down the street, I have my window down because in Arizona even at seven am its pretty warm. The radio is on but set low so if Theresa wants to talk I can hear her, and hopefully she'll be able to hear me. Turning off the main street onto my familiar route.

We pull up to a cute little blue house at the end of the street, sitting a little too close to the curb for most people's liking. I don't mind, it made my rent cheaper. Plus, inside the house was roomy and of well design. Theresa snapped out of her trance and looked at me with slight worry on her face, she quickly hid it.

“What are we doing here?” She asked as she glanced back at the house, my guess scoping out an escape route.

“This is my house and I had to leave before I had the chance to get everything packed and all my things ready. So you will just have to hang out and help.” With that I left her in the car and went in my home. I left the door slightly open so if she followed she wouldn't have to fight it; it liked to get stuck.

I was in my bedroom trying to make a mental list of things I had already packed and what I still needed to pack, when I heard my front door close. Theresa called out my name.

Peeking my head out of my room and saw her facing me, I caught the look of relief on her face. She looked a like freaked out to be honest. I could have sworn she was just overly happy about her hair; her mood changed a lot.

I had found the list I had made two days ago and I had checked everything except for my journal off. Reaching under my pillow and grabbing my book that was so overfilled it was no longer a book it was a folder.

A leather bound folder filled with everything supernatural or paranormal that has ever happened to me, I also believe the reasoning for the crew name is in here, too. Chuckling at the memories that lay in my journal, I pack it away gently in my laptop bag.

“What's that book?” Comes from the doorway, breaking my train of thought and brings me back to the here and now.

“It's my notes, from over the years.” I say with a shrug, It's really not a big deal.

“Want to help me pack the equipment up? It won't take to long with us both working on it.” She nods, her eyes lighting up just a bit. I lead her into the other room it's supposed to be a bedroom but I don't like roommates, so I turned it into a storage office.

Checking my email on my phone and see that Ida has once again saved me and sent me the list. I hand my phone to Theresa.

“Just read me everything on the list, and we will be done in no time.” After about an hour or, so we are all packed and everything is in the car, including ourselves. Now that we are heading out to meet the crew, Theresa seems to have gotten nervous.

Poor dear, I feel like I'm about to feed her to the wolves. I just might be when Maddox gets his hands on her.

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