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The car ride, so far, was uneventful. Awkward yeah, sure, but there wasn't much anything too exciting going on.  Casey has gabbed the whole way making it more dreadful. Wasn't it bad enough she made me ride along with her and Xander? Well, how else would they be able to keep an eye on you?  She was particularly snarky today. Then again when was she not? I hated it when she is right. It was all so overwhelming at times. The feeling like it was never-ending- the betrayals, the powers, the dead- was welling up once again. 

A distraction from my depressing thoughts presented itself beautifully. Unbeknownst to my companions, we have picked up a hitchhiker. A teenage girl with dark kinky curly hair- it was matted up with blood, twigs, leaves, and bits of something shiny, maybe it was glass. Her lovely sun-kissed skin was flawless even her winged eyeliner was still intact.  Framing her light brown eye perfect. Sadly, that was just on one side. That was the side I tried to stay focused on. After all, she was kind enough to sit so that was the side facing me.  

I took a few beats to admire her. I was envious of her make-up skills the way she used to her enhance her face instead of just covering it up I appreciated.  Making a mental note to add makeup lessons to my growing research list. Switching my focus back to the girl, I took a peek at her outfit. I decided I didn't need another look at her muddy, bloody, torn dress.  Doing my best to ignore that and the bruises and cuts that were forming on her body. 

Man, the dead are wild sometimes. Yet again, I find myself in agreement with my inner crazy. 

Waiting for the girl to speak was proving to be a futile task. I was at a loss for how to start communicating with her without alerting the others. Casey will shove a camera in my face and I'm just not ready to deal with that.  The girl tilted her face slightly towards me just enough so she could eye me better. Slowly, she offered me her hand, palm up. 

Oh no, not this again. Knowing there was really no other option without having to share her with the world- or more accurately the couple thousand weekly viewers we supposedly have.  I took a deep breath and summoned what courage I had left in me. I grasped the girl's hand and quickly regretted my choice. She showed me the last horrible moments of her life. The man who did this to her was face to face with me -her- I swore I wouldn't ever forget how his hot breath felt as he huffed. Once she was sure I wouldn't forget his face she showed me her family, and her home flashes of the street name and the number, then her name.  The last thing she showed me was where she was buried, that shook me to my core. 

Olivia Lopez.  I could feel my tears rolling down my face but I didn't bother to wipe them away. My heart ached for the life that was ripped away. Silently I vowed to her that I would let her family know what happened to her. Once our non-verbal communication was done she left. I was hoping she was going on to find some peace. Racking my brain for the blessing Xander's friend sent me for the lost spirits I would come in contact with. 

A time for everything

and everything in its place,

May the Angel of Destiny guide you

beyond this impasse,

Traverse in peace on the other side of the veil,

My blessings,

So mote it be.

My other brain whispered. At least we had some common ground, we both felt for the tormented souls that sought me out. I repeated after her in a hushed voice. I didn't want the others to get too nosey. Let them think I was talking to myself. We all know I am insane so it will nothing new there. 

Now that my spectral companion has left me, I tapped away on my phone. Caving in to the pressure that is known as Casey I've joined social media.  It's just a lot of people groaning and strange images that I've been told are supposed to be jokes. Most of them were lost on me so I normally just scrolled past them. I did add my brothers so seeing photos of them and their families is nice and it made keeping in contact with them easier.   After making my way through the most recent things I shut the app. I opened some the pdf books I had Xander put on my phone. I regret not bringing my tablet but  I made do with what I had. 

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