From the Ashes

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I woke up, a few hours later. I was feeling better than I had since we started this trip. I noticed Xander's and Casey's bags were packed, I didn't see or hear either one around.

They were getting pretty good at ditching me in the room. Grumbling to myself I started gathering my things and packing it all up. I decided to read on meditation it seems to be the first I should learn.

I would need it for just about everything I had to do, to get my energies right. I grabbed my phone and slowly worked my way to the article about meditating.

It recommended music and talked about how to breathe. Also taught how to clear ones mind and center themselves.

My eyes scanned the pages and I did my best to understand and process the theory.

Once I thought I had read enough I grabbed a white pillar candle from my bag. I decided to always have one with me.

Okay, maybe more than one.
I sat on the floor cross-legged, I then light the candle with a wooden match. Cradling the candle in my hands, resting on my lap.

I closed my eyes and pushed everything out of my mind. I focused solely on the warmth coming off the candle.

I'm not sure how long I sat on the floor, I know I was starting to feel an almost familiar warm tingle spread through my body. It started at my fingertips they were warmer than just from the candle.

It felt like warm honey was leisurely strolling up my arms then over my shoulders up my neck down my spine. Wrapping me and my body in a snug embrace. It started to move slower and slower as it crawled down my legs to my ankles.

Right before it reaches my feet and toes...


Casey decided to grace me with her presence by bulldozing the door down. My moment with myself was gone, the warm instantly left me.

I shivered without its embrace.

Anger quickly found its way into my heart. I whipped around to face Casey and saw she was struggling to carry an armful of plastic bags from some grocery store.

She smiled a big toothy grin at me.

"Glad to see you awake, Sleeping Beauty." She waddled to the bed and dumped everything she was carrying onto the bed.

I couldn't make out what in all was there. I saw boxes of hair dye and I also saw candles and then I saw flip flops. Disregarding it all she turned her focus back to me.

"Since this place is boring Xander and I decided to move on and take you somewhere you've never been. Which turns out to just about everywhere. But first I need to color my hair. Wanna help?"

She was trying to distract me with the hair stuff. She knew I couldn't pass up playing around with hair products. I wonder if I could get Xan to tell me where we were going.

Did I just call Xander, Xan? I should not be giving him a nickname. Pushing that aside. I was feeling confident that I could get him to spill the beans.

Forming a plan in my head I nodded. I really liked Casey's dark multi-color look but it's her hair. There were quite a few boxes some of them wasn't dyes.

She had a box of gloves, and several bottles of conditioner. A few things I missed she moved them too quickly to the counter where it sink was. I did see a box of a pastel shade of purple. Almost like a lilac color.

I loved seeing her be so confident, I hoped I could be like that one day. I was hoping to learn from her and she knew that. She knew she was my number one resource in this world.

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