You Won't Break Me

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With one last fleeting glance at the spirit that was slowly fading away, I rushed out of the room behind Xander.  The old floor started letting out suspicious sounding groans under our feet.  Leery that we just might fall through the floor, I waited until Xander was out of the hallway before I moved much further out of the doorway. 

I looked outside one of the paneless windows and made note that the sun was just starting to set. I wonder if James intended for us to start the lockdown before dusk?  Jumping to the conclusion that he doesn't get in the field too often. Pausing just before the opening to the lobby, I felt an icy breeze come up from behind me and went past me at an alarming speed. I had to brace myself against the wall before I could move on.  

I rounded the corner and all my musings were knocked from my mind as a blow come down on the temple. With a startled yelp I crumpled to my knees on the ground. I tried to look up at what attacked me but dots of black were forming all over my vision. I fell to my side as the pain bloomed and spread.  

Shaking my head trying to regain my senses, I felt all my hairs stand on end again.  Rolling over onto my back, I stared at the ceiling watching the dots dance across it. I reached up to the now tender spot on my head making sure there was no blood.  Pain radiated for a second or two as the dark spots in my visions grew wider until I had no choice but to shut my eyes.  

In a heap on the floor, trying to figure out if it was a person who snuck in or one of the crew messing around. Shit, it could be a spirit who wasn't happy we were here. 

Could be Sigyn making herself known.  I doubt a goddess would take such a potshot.  I heard feet stomped their way to me. Rough hands picked me up, manhandled me over a shoulder. Forcing the air out of my lungs as their shoulder jammed into my stomach. 

Distant whispers and someone was laughing. Cackling was more like. Sounded like an old woman who has lost their mind entirely.  Oh please don't be Sigyn.  I couldn't agree more. I was in no way shape or form ready to deal with her.  

Which makes this the perfect time for her to attack. That was enough to make me come to. I opened my eyes and I was in fact on Xander's shoulder and being carried to the doorway.  By chance, I saw a lady standing by James, she was starting to fade. She was doubled over and slapping her knee. Her clothing leads me to believe that she was from the early 1900s. She was wearing a polka dotted linen or cotton dress, I could tell by the way it loosely hung on her boney frame. I made noted she wasn't as skinny as the other spirits I had seen. Her hair was pinned into a blown out bun. It looked like the hairstyle a librarian would wear.  

As I craned my neck to keep my eyes on her, she quiets down and stood up. 

"Welcome to Starvation Heights!" She said with a flourish of waving her arms in the air. Her cheerful voice rang through the lobby. I spotted my record on the floor, still rolling I hoped.  "I sure had hoped we would get some new patients." She moved closer to James who I gathered couldn't see her but he could sense her. He was obviously scared, his hands were clutched to his chest. the camera he had was probably filming the ground.  His eyes were darting around the room. 

"Wait, Xan," I whispered command as I tapped his back with my fist. He stopped short and let me down gently. We adjust so I could watch better, he stood beside me on guard. He was looking around the room suspiciously. 

"Oh my dear, I can help you with all your ailments." Her muttering could be heard clear as day as she walked around James, studying him.  "Even though you upset my other patients." She scolded quietly. Her niceness was thinly veiling her malice. Her evil was coming off in waves. 

Once she was done studying him, she stood with her arms folded in front of her. "First things first, you need to fast. I think you would benefit the most from our deluxe package." She sounded confident in her pitch like it wasn't the first time she had given it.  I was torn between watching the show and interrupting her and saving James.  

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