Burnt to the Ground

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I jolted upright in the bed, slightly disoriented.

I'm not really sure if I slept or if I just zoned out for a while. I wasn't laying how I remembered so maybe I did sleep. My eyes were heavy with sleep still.

I stayed up, talking to Xander all night. I told him everything about my dream. It didn't really help me but I think it made us closer. Eventually, we started talking about our worries and concerns, I may have mentioned my feeling of being drained.

I laid there and let the events of the last few days replay in my mind. I find it more than a little humorous to think just a few weeks ago I was still in Hell trying to figure out how to escape. Now I was wishing I had never left while simultaneously thanking my lucky stars I got out.

I had thought I knew what in all my ability had entailed. Since I've left the home I have lost count of the powers I seem to possess. They seem to be growing by the day. I wondered where they came from, no one else in my family had them. Where did they come from? Was it a gift or was it a curse? I started to feel anger brewing deep down. Who decided that I should have these abilities? That I was strong enough to bear this life? What if I wasn't? What if whoever it was chose wrong?

Something tickled in the back of my mind. Slowly it inched to the
front of my mind, Tommy and Rebecca. Best way to prove to yourself you can do something is to just do it. Without a second for me to hesitate I rolled over. Barely registering that it was day time and I was alone in the room. I went over and grabbed a camera I set it up on the dresser using the mirror behind it to make sure I would be in the shot.

Locating my cell phone, I sat on the chair pulling up the messaging app Cas and I use. I scroll back to the information she sent to me about Rebecca.

"I am about to call a woman named Rebecca, her boyfriend Tommy came to me and asked me to tell her something. Our wonderful handler Cas found her, somehow. I'm going to call her now." I say to the camera, I press the little phone icon. I pressed the speaker button. It trills a few times.

"H...Hello..?" A very shaky voice comes through the speaker.
" Hi, is this Rebecca?" I asked in a confident but friendly voice.

"Y-yes it is. What do you want?"

"My name is Theresa Baxter I work with a paranormal group and well, I talk to the dead," I said in a rush hoping she doesn't hang up right then. After a few seconds of silence, I had to look at my phone. She hasn't hung up yet. I decided to keep talking.

"About a week ago I was getting my hair done for the show and a burnt man-" a whimper interrupted me when I said burnt. "- Sat beside me and told me to tell her I was sorry. It took a lot of digging and looking around but I'm sure it was Tommy." There were a gasp and the sound of sniffles from Rebecca's side.

"I knew...He was still around. He's been with me ever since they killed him. It was all an accident...They killed the wrong guy. Tommy never laid a hand on me...Or anyone else for that matter." Her voice was full of tears and thick with sadness. She cried harder at some points and I could tell she was fighting hard to not lose it completely.

I sat in stunned silence for a second. Shocked she believed me so easily.

"I'm sorry he was ripped away from you, I wish there was something more I could do for you. Just take comfort knowing he loved you and it seems like he continues too in his afterlife. One day you two will be reunited."
"Thank you, for the call Theresa, it means a lot to me. Have a good day."

With that, she hung up. I used the camera's remote to turn it off. I say there for a moment and collected my thoughts. Well, that was one thing off my list. Unsure what to do now, I headed for the shower. It's been more than twelve hours since I had one. I could feel the grime on my skin. That was not okay.

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