Ch 1

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My head was spinning from the words being thrown at my head right now. My father's blurry face was moving as he spoke at me saying the last words I ever thought I would hear.

"We're moving, Bethany. I got a promotion."

I looked over at my little brother, Stefan, to see his reaction only to see his small green eyes looking right back at me, searching for mine. He was not fazed at all.

"You knew about this?!" I practically screamed at him. His eyes widened at my change in tone directed at him.

"Well yeah," the 11 year old shrugged, "Dad told me last week."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I could sense the continuous raise in my voice but I was too upset to care.

"We thought you would react like this," my dad stated staring down at his phone. He was always on it. Answering work emails and calls. Constantly busy with his newest case. Now it was only going to get worse with his new so called "better" job. How could it be better if I never see him now as it is?

This is how it has been ever since mom died. My dad and Stefan ganging up on me. It's not like it mattered, I was used to it now. I have a great life. Perfect boyfriend. Great friends. I have it all...had. I had it all. Now it was being brutally ripped from my hands.

I fell on the couch feeling nauseous from the strange turn of events. My heart ached for everything I was about to be leaving behind. How was I going to tell my friends? How was I going to tell Ashton? Ashton and I had been dating for a year and a half now. Being 18 and a senior, he was everything to me. Okay. Dramatic I know. I wasn't a spoiled brat like a was acting at the moment but I think I had a reason to. Everything in my life was changing. California was my home now I was moving to...

"Wait, where are we even going??" I completely forgot in my frantic state of shock to even consider trying to acknowledge how terrible this punishment even was.

"New York City"


I cried on Ashton's shoulder for a little more than 2 hours while he sat there wiping my tears and pushing the hair away from my red face.

He was an angel, an angel with messy sandy blond hair, dimples deeper than the ocean, and hazel eyes that could pierce through your soul. He was captain of the senior soccer team and was extremely popular because of it. It wasn't the reason I loved him though.

Ashton and I met right after my mother died. The day after I came back to school Ashton found me crying in the janitors closet. I didn't even know him and he sat right down on the floor of that old closet surrounded by dusty mops and cleaners that could kill brain cells and held me while I cried. Ever since that day Ash and I have been inseperable.

Ashton kissed my forehead one last time as I looked up into his eyes.

"We're going to be fine Beth," he reassured me.

My boxes were packed and the moving truck was ready to go. The plane to New York left in an hour. My hands searched for Ashton's as my dad walked into the room.

"Are you ready to go Bethany?" My dad looked at me then up to Ashton. I could barely look at him so I placed my head back on Ashton's chest.

"Can you give us one more minute sir?" Ashton politely asked. My dad nodded at him after a minute leaving us alone for the last time.

"Why are you so nice to him? He's making me leave. I can't even speak to him," I explained.

Ashton looked down at me, pulling me in close, "He's your family babe. Remember what happened last time." I shook my head at the thought, it being too hard to even think about. I just nodded against his chest.

Ash unwrapped his arms from me reaching into his back pocket. Curious I tried to look around him but he kissed me before I could see. Our lips moved in synchronicity as he lifted my hair and laid something around my neck. I pulled away looking down at a little charm shaped like California with A.I. inside it.

"Ashton Irwin," I confirmed to myself out loud.

Ash nodded pulling something out from under the collar of his sleeveless tshirt. I looked up to see a similar necklace, more manly of course, in the shape of New York with my initials B.C.

"Bethany Criss," I again confirmed. I kissed Ashton as a tear shed from my eye.

Ashton watched me as we drove away from the big lifeless mansion that used to be filled with so much love and laughter. Maybe the next family will bring it back to life.


Hey guys I guess this is a shorter chapter. It's hard judge being the newbie. This is just kind of a background chapter. It'll get better. But if you're actually still so I know to make a new chapter. 1 vote. Thank you guys so much.

Much love,


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