Ch 8

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卌 Tuesday, September 24卌

Has time ever paused around you? Has the world slowed down but you still felt like everything was all happening at once?

In this moment, it is the second time in my life this has happened. The first being my mother.. Why this moment? I had no idea. All I knew in this moment was that his lips and my lips were so far away and I needed them closer. I had to know he was okay. Sirens clouded my ears and my legs could not move fast enough. The wind rushed my pink cheeks and my heart raced.

I found myself on the dirt floor looking for any sign of life and movement. What I saw was Luke hanging upside down unconcious. His seat belt was keeping him from falling on the top of his head and breaking his neck but there was a huge gash on his forehead and red ooze falling from it. I couldn't touch him in fear of harming him more.

All I could do was scream his name, "LUKE, LUKE! WAKE UP! PLEASE! LUKE!" I repeated it over fifty times waiting for the ambulance to show up.

I felt an arm wrap around my stomach picking me up off the floor but I felt my own body being pulled back to Luke. I struggled with every muscle in my body to get back to him until I heard my name being screamed from a familiar calming voice. I twisted my body and shoved my face into Calum's chest hugging him tightly as commotion I hadn't noticed before occured around us. He held my face tightly to his chest as I watched the medics finally ride up to the scene. I tried to pull away to keep a close eye on what they were doing but Calum held me tighter to himself. I watched as they gently got Luke out of the car and onto the gerny. His arms hung lifelessly next to him before they crossed them over his chest.

I escaped Calum's grip and ran to the medics. Tired and out of breath I asked, "Is he going to be okay?"

"We don't know ma'am. We're going to do the best we can," he said as politely as he could in his rushed tone as he looked me up and down. I was probably covered in dirt. "Ma'am you're bleeding."

I looked down at my hand realizing he was right. I must have cut myself on the loose glass on the ground from the windshield. I didn't feel the pain. I felt nothing but fear at the moment.

"Ma'am, get in the car. That cut looks deep."

I looked back at Cal and he gave me a small nod. "I'll meet you there."

I jumped into the back of the ambulance where a rushed team tended to Luke. I sat in the corner watching every move they made to his body. They poked him with needles and pryed glass from the cut on his forehead. I was extatic no one was tending to my cut. They were focused on Luke. I could hear the pulsing of my blood through my body and the fast paced beat of my heart. It was loud. Louder than the men and women screaming orders at each other in the back of this car as we sped to the hospital.

He was pale and I decided looking at his face was too much to handle so I looked at his hands. His rough hands that layed on his stomach. His fingernails were short and stubby like they were bitten off and the tips of his fingers looked hard and slightly callused. I wondered what from when I saw one of those rough fingers shift slowly. Just like the way I did that day in the hall and so many times before to remind myself I was still alive. I wondered if he was doing the same.

We made it to the hospital. Walking in the white walls blinded my eyes after being in the darkess of the night. I ran next to Luke as he was pushed down the hall until I was stopped by a nurse in scrubs.

"Ma'am you can't go beyond this point." I looked at my hand and showed it to her hoping that she would let me go back into the emergency section with him. I watched as she nodded to another nurse standing behind the counter. He walked over to me and led me in the opposite direction. I struggled to stretch my neck so I was able to see where Luke was being taken but I was only able to see him being rolled away from me around a corner.

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