Ch 3

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卌 Friday, September 20 卌

The rest of the school day was as expected: boring classes. The only time I actually enjoyed was when I got to sit with Calum at lunch. I'm so glad I bumped into him this morning, I would have been lost without him.

I came home to Stefan sitting at the kitchen counter with a bowel of cereal and milk. He looked pretty bummed. "Hey bub how was your first day today?"

"It was good. I made some friends and I wanted them to come over but dad isn't here," he stared down into his bowl.

"I'm sorry buddy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind as long as Rita was here with you," I ruffled up his hair. Rita was our, I guess you could say nanny. She was mainly for Stefan now but when my father hired her after my mother died I took a great liking to her eventually. For Stefan it was harder, he didn't want to replace my mother with someone else. After she died, Stefan clung to my dad all the time: going to work with him, following him around, sleeping with him. Almost like he thought my dad was going to disappear if he didn't. Stefan slowly grew out of that phase but still hung out with my dad whenever he got the chance. I wish my dad was around more for Stefan's sake. Rita got him to warm up to her though. It was a hard time in all of our lives that I still don't talk about with anyone.

I walked up to my room, hoping to call Ashton for some comfort from my stressful day.  Just before I was about to, I remembered the time change so with that I sent a simple text of *miss you* and went off to get ready for Calum to come get me.

I still didn't know where he was taking me but I was surprised by how fast I had plans in the city.  I mean I had only been here one day and I already had a good friend and was going out to do God only knows what.  I had no idea what to wear though. New York weather was drastically different than California's. I had to go out shopping to buy winter clothing as soon as I got here. I hated winter or at least the cold.  I hated it for reasons that no one would ever understand because I would never tell them.  I hoped I would never have to.  Being forced to live in the cold was something I never expected.  But I finally decided on a washed out pair of jeans, a floral tank with my black leather jacket and white converse.

By the time I was done, Cal had texted me he was outside the door of my apartment. I ran downstairs to open the door. I swing it open to see his smiling face.

"Damn Beth. This is some high end shit you got here," he admired the foyer of our place.

"Why didn't you just knock, you idiot?" even though I had only knowing Calum for a day it seemed like I had known him for years. He just had that kind of personality, very warm and happy. Kind of like a teddy bear -actually exactly like a teddy bear.

"I thought I was going to get attacked by some guard dog or something if I banged the door too hard," he chuckled obviously joking.

"You watch too many mobster movies Cal," I laughed right along with him.

I grabbed my bag and we were off to whatever Calum had planned for us. We took the subway for what seemed like a really long time and if you ask me, a sketchy place. I was not used to taking the subway and I had to hold onto Calum's arm a few times to balance myself from falling flat on my face.

"Seriously Cal, where are we going?" I asked when we got off the subway.

"It's a surprise," Calum said raising his eyebrows with a smile.

"If were robbing a bank you better have gotten me a high end ski mask. I don't play around with those cheap ones," I smiled causing a laugh to escape Calum's lips.

"You Cali girls and your demanding requests," Calum shook his head.

We finally walked up to a huge crowed of people surrounding the sidewalks of an empty road. Everyone's voices were muffled over the sound of the cool September wind. It caused me to pull my leather jacket closer to hug my body.

I noticed that I recognized a few people from some of my classes. Calum moved through the crowd of people screaming "hey mans" and handing out high-fives. I stayed as close to Calum as I could, feeling extremely suffocated as he pushed further to the front of people. He finally stopped in the front of the empty road grabbing my hand to pull me up next to him.

I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, mixture of wanting to be sick and anxiety.

"Cal, what is this?" I reached up to say into his ear over the roar of strangers.

"Welcome to the unofficial sport of City View Academy," Calum threw his hands up in the air dramatically and looked back down at me only to see a blank expression on my face filled with confusion and worry. After not getting the response he was looking for, he pointed over to 4 cars lined up ahead of us annoyed by my lack of understanding.

The feeling in my stomach grew into a lump as memories of newspaper covers and news headliners flashed through my mind.

"Street racing?" I asked already knowing the answer. "I don't like this Calum," I said uneasily.

"Aw, come on Beth, we just got here! It's not even real street racing. The cars go down to the empty quarry down the street to race," he wined. "And we haven't even seen him yet!" He covered his mouth like he had something he obviously didn't mean to.

"Who?" I said confused. I eventually put the pieces together and everything clicked. I asked more sternly already knowing the answer, "who haven't I seen yet, Calum?"  The memory of Calum laughing after I talked to a specific blonde with glasses popped into my head.  I heard the rumble of an engine coming to life and I turned around to see none other then the blonde devil himself in the first car coming this way.

I slaped Calum on the arm pretty hard if I do say so myself and with a loud whine he held his arm, rubbing it gently. "You're so tiny! Why did that hurt so bad?"

I crossed my arms. proud of myself.  "Thats what you get."  I shook my head.

"Oh come on.  I have never seen Luke Hemmings smile at anyone the way that he smiled at you when you told him off.  I think he was impressed,"  Calum said still holding his arm.

"Calum.  I have a boyfriend!" I screamed ignoring the strange looks I got from the people surrounding us.  

"I know, I know I'm sorry.  Can we just stay and hang out though please?" he begged with a pouty face.  He looked just like a puppy and I couldn't resist.  

I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the arm that I punched smiling.  "You're weak you know that," we laughed as we walked over to the quarry.   

No matter how much I wanted to be with Calum and have fun, I could not get the uneasy feeling out of my stomach and I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something.  Something I would have no control over. 


Hey guys!

So this chapter explains some stuff but there's still a lot unclear and Im doing it on purpose so just enjoy!  vote and comment!  Also my dedication this week is to TheLoneWarrior for being the first person to comment and vote for me! I seriously appreciate it! <3

Thanks guys


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