Ch 12

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He crashed his lips into mine and grabbed the bottom of my thighs putting me up on top of the ledge of the building.  His body fit in between my legs as he pressed tightly against my body.  I felt weak with the way he controlled me but I loved it.  I wrapped my fingers in his blonde locks trying to pull his head as close to mine as possible.  His hands gripped the inside of my knees keeping me pulled tight against his own body.  I found myself whimpering into his mouth as his body grinded into me ever so slightly.  I felt out of breath and wishing I was able to hold more so I wouldn't have to pull away from his soft mouth.  

I tugged my head back, inhaling and exhaling heavily.  He seemed to be doing the same.  I searched his eyes.  "How do you do this to me?"

Luke opened his mouth to speak when a ringing interrupted him.  He pulled a phone from his back pocket, looking at the caller ID.  He stopped and looked back up at me.  "I gotta go.  Can I take you home?"


卌 Wednesday, October 2 卌

-Luke's POV-

I tried to act as natural as I could when I was dropping Annie off at home.  It was difficult knowing who I was about to go see right at this moment.  My mind knew exactly how this conversation was going to go too.  I drove right back to the same building that Bethany and I had just been making out on top of. She didn't know it, and I hoped she never would, but I knew this place better than I knew myself.  

I parked my car and hobbled out of it making my way to the stone building.  I already saw the car next to the curb in front of where I just parked of the man I was meeting, meaning I was already fucked.  Inside, the walls were still silent all around me just like I knew they would be during the day.  

"I'm here."  I raised my voice and the words echoed throughout the old building.  

A man stepped out from behind the wall.  His features so familiar to Annie.  Standing before me was John Criss, Beth's dad.  Anger twisted in the expressions of his face.  "What the fuck were you thinking getting involved with my daughter?"

"We're not involved sir." I tried to be convincing.

"You better not be.  There is no way in hell she is getting involved in this sick world like her mother was."

I sighed knowing what he meant.  Even though Beth didn't know I knew; I knew.  I knew her worst nightmare and I knew it better than she even did.  Of course, I wanted to tell her but I couldn't.  No one would let me and if I went against them and told her anyway, they would kill me.  I've known about Beth for much longer than she's ever known about me and I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember. I would never try to do something to put her in danger but I've kept myself away for so long.  I have tried to keep my distance and push her away to keep her safe but now that I have had a taste of her, it has gotten harder.  I need her.  

John stared at me as if he was waiting for an answer and I realized I had been silent for a few minutes, thinking.  I nodded.  "You know I would never let anything happen to her."

John nodded and the anger fled from his face.  He looked down at my leg.  "How long till you can race again?" 

I looked at my own left foot and lifted it a little.  "Doc said the cast can come off in a few weeks. I think I can race before then because it's my left though.  I'm just trying to get a rise out of Charlie."  

"Don't push him too far.  We both have seen what he can do."

I nodded in agreement and let the silence of the room overcome me. 

"I don't want you hanging out with my daughter anymore; you got that?  This world is too much and I'm in too deep but I'll be damned before she gets dragged in with me."

Before I could say anything else, John walked out of the building and into his car driving away.  I felt myself get quite nauseous and tired and crutched over to the staircase that was before me.  I squated on a step and put my face into my hands. 

What was I going to do?  How could I possibly stay away from the girl that I had been in love with since I was 13.  No wonder she feels our connection.  It's because there is one.  I have known about her since she was 12, when her father and mother first joined this world.  She didn't know about me but once my father and hers met up at a playground in California to talk business.  I saw her on the swing waiting for her father and I went up to talk to her.  Her long brown ringlets blew in the wind as she swang ever so slightly.  I asked her what she was thinking about and her answer struck me: Flying.  Ever since then, I have been hooked.  The little girl that thought about flying turned into the woman that doesn't put up with anyone's crap.  Exactly what I expected from that free minded child.  

I got up, shaking my head hoping to free it from all the shit that filled it now.  I exited the building and got in my car hoping to find peace in the ride.  Hoping to find my mothers peace.  

I didn't.


LOL wow

I found this chapter in my drafts after searching my computer.

Not that anyone will still read this but here ya go


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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