Chapter One

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A/N~ Thanks to anybody that voted or commented for this story! Means a lot to me! :D

This chapter is dedicated to Daydream1011. Thanks for always sticking with my books and leaving votes and comments! :D She also writes some amazing books too so please go check out her profile :) her most recent one is His Flower which is off to a really good start :) You're Mine and Asher's Girl are some of my favs by her so check them out if you need a good read :D

***The chapters may be shorter than what your used to from me. I know I usually have some pretty long chapters but in the beginning of this story they'll probably be a bit shorter :)

Chapter One


I smiled happily as I entered my new apartment. It was a decently sized place and slightly larger than my old one. It had one bedroom with an attached bathroom. The kitchen and living room space was also larger.

Closing and locking the door behind me, I walked to my new bedroom. As I set my suitcase and bags on the large bed, I became even more gleeful. I was lucky to find such an adequate place with furniture already provided for me. It made things so much easier for me and all I would need to go buy is food and a few necessities.

After I had my meager bags unpacked, I pulled out my laptop and climbed onto my bed. Now that I was here and basically settled in, I needed to continue my search for a new job. That is my main priority right now. Until I find a good job, I can only afford to spend money on food and things I desperately need.

After I browsed the local business websites and submitting a few applications, I found myself on the main page for Wolven Industries. Fat chance of me ever getting employed there.

A job at Wolven Industries would be amazing though. I couldn't help but self indulge with thoughts of how my life would be with a job there. Working there would give me enough money for life and an early retirement.

But that would more than likely never happen. Wolven Industries was literally the company of all companies. People that have jobs in that building are way more experienced in the business industry than I am. It was a tight work place with few rooms for error and not many second chances. If you have a job there, you probably went to a very prestigious college and worked in other buildings previously. Sometimes that wasn't even enough, so I heard. It's so hard to get a job there that I bet the janitor makes more money than I ever did with Mr. O'Connely.

Oh, what the hell! I shrugged to myself as I went through the application process. It couldn't hurt to try. Worse comes to worse I won't get a response.

When I was done with my job searching for the night, I decided to go out and get some dinner. This would be the first night in four years that I get to spend by myself. I plan to make the most of it.


I awoke the next morning to my cell phone blaring. Groaning I threw the covers away as I sat up to leisurely grab my phone.

I was so sick of that thing! By the end of last night, Jared had called me more than fifty times. I let all of them go to voice mail thankfully. I hadn't gotten the courage to actually listen to them. They would probably all have him screaming and cursing my name.

When I grabbed my phone though I was surprised to see that it was from Mr. O'Connely. Quickly I answered it before it could go to voice mail. "Hello? Mr. O'Conny!"

"Yes it's me. I just wanted to check in and see how the job search was going." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, it hasn't even been a full day yet but I have applied at a few places," I supplied as I stretched trying to get the tiredness out of my voice.

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