Chapter 14

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Camila's POV

I woke up on one of the uncomfortable chairs next to Lucas's bed. I stretched out my arms and yawned.

"Miss Cabello?" I heard from the end of the bed.

Sitting up more, I turned to look at the doctor. "How is he? How are his grandparents?" I asked softly, my eyes traveling to the little boy asleep in the bed with bright blue casts on his right arm and left leg.

"He's fine, a little banged up and broken, but perfectly healthy, as for his grandparents, they are both in critical condition." The doctor said, she sighed heavily.

I took a deep breath, "How bad?"
"It's hard to say. They were unresponsive when the ambulance got there and their bodies are rejecting the treatment." She ran her hand through her blonde hair.

I let my eyes wander back toward my son, "Don't let them suffer, if it's too much let them go." I said softly, I knew I could make these decisions because I was on their medical file.

She sighed. "The doctors are doing everything they can." She said. She walked over to the machines attached to my son, checking them.

"Can you tell me anything about my fiance? Her name is Lauren Jauregui." I asked, worry for both my fiance and son on my mind.

"Em, I'm sorry, I'm not her doctor. I don't know anything, but I can try to find out." She said, a small smile on her face. She pulled her walkie-talkie from her pocket.

I immediately nodded my head, I needed to know she was okay.

"Okay, give me a minute." She pressed a button on walkie-talkie. "Hey, Luke." She said into it.

"Yeah sis." A man's voice came through the speaker.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui's doctor?" She asked.

"Yes, Liv. I am. Why?" The man's voice asked.

"I'm with her fiance who is worried about her, can you give me any news?" She asked.

I bit my lip as I sat beside my son, holding his hand.

"Em, yeah. She's asleep at the minute. There isn't much to tell, not until she wakes up and actually speaks to us, poor girl is terrified. She was shaking when Ricky brought her to me." I could here the sympathy in his voice through the speaker.

"Keep me updated." The blonde said softly, her eyes darting toward me.
I quickly looked down at my hands. What was wrong with my fiance? Why did all of this shit have to happen after we made love?

"Are you okay, Miss Cabello?" Liv asked. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Is it my fault? All of this happened yesterday after I made love to her for the first time." I whispered as I fought back my tears.

Liv frowned. "This isn't your fault." She rounded the bed and sat down next to me. "What makes you think it's your fault?"

I shrugged, I didn't know how to explain it. "I just, I made love to her after we got into a fight and she wasn't feeling well. Then I get the call about Lucas and now she's in the hospital too." I paused and looked up. "Did I hurt the baby? Is that why she's in here?"

Liv thought for a moment. "I don't think you'd have hurt the baby. Plenty of people hae sex when they are pregnant, my parents did it and they were pregnant with twins, me and Luke." She shrugged. "Your fiance will be fine. She's probably just caught a bug or something."

"Is it normal for someone who is paralyzed to be able to move around during sex?" I asked randomly.

Liv frowned. "Um, I'm not sure. Maybe. Depends on how much passion is put into the sex. Sometimes enough passion can provoke movement and the paralyzed person won't know it." She said.

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