Chapter 24

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Camila's POV

I was sitting in the cafeteria by myself during lunch. I couldn't deal with anyone else today. I just missed Lauren so much that it hurt to be around her. Why did she cheat on me, and why did it have to be with my best friend? Everyone thought I was staying with Niall when the truth is, I've moved back into the apartment again.


I tensed up and looked toward the voice, finding my supposed best friend.

"Don't talk to me." I growled lowly.

"Mila, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Dinah asked, a pained expression on her face. "I shouldn't have forced Lauren into doing what we did. I was just trying to help."

I forced a laugh and grabbed my bag, grabbing my full tray of food and dumping it in the trash.

"Look where that got you, you're no longer my best friend." I said coldly before walking out of the cafeteria and into the hallway.

As I walked out I saw Lauren standing by herself at her old locker. She was looking down at her feet. Something was different. Something was off.

I was probably going to regret this, but I needed to make sure she was okay. Making my way over to her, I took a deep breath. "How's Kinsley?"

She looked up at me through half closed eyes. "She won't feed and she's colicky." She mumbled. She was half asleep. "She's up all night too."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me until we reached Miss Lovato's empty office. "Sleep." I whispered pushing her down on the couch and laying above her, burying my face in her neck like many times before.

She was out cold within a few minutes. I rubbed her side softly to soothe her. She was skinnier than I remembered, but then so was I. No wonder Kinsley wouldn't feed, Lauren probably wasn't producing any milk for her because her body needed everything it could get.

I stayed curled around her, breathing in vanilla and lavender, a scent that was all Lauren. Tears filled my eyes as I held her, I missed her so much.

At that moment the door to Miss Lovato's office opened and she walked in. She didn't notice Lauren and I until she sat behind her desk and looked up. She had been too focused on the files in her hands while she was walking.

I just smiled at her tiredly as I continued to lay wrapped around Lauren, I was exhausted.

"Hi, Camila. Do you want me to leave?" Miss Lovato asked, awkwardly.

"No." I mumbled before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


When I woke up, Lauren wasn't in my arms any more. She was curled up in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth with Miss Lovato kneeling in front of her, whispering to her to try and calm her down. Lauren must have had another nightmare. They seemed to be getting worse.

Slowly standing up, I made my way over to her and kneeled beside Miss Lovato. "Lauren?" I whispered, my voice hoarse from just waking up.

She jumped slightly before looking up at me. "Camz?" Her voice was barely a whisper when it came out. She looked at me in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe I was in the same room as her, let alone talking to her.

I smiled sadly, nodding my head as I moved closer to her, but didn't touch her. "What happened?"

She watched me with sad eyes. Her worst fear had came true so this nightmare couldn't have been that bad. "Brad, h-he r-ra-." She cut herself off with a sob.

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