Chapter 26 Part 2

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Camila's POV

"Q, calm down. Why are you freaking out?" I asked as I watched my sister pace back in forth in the dressing room.

"Why do you think, Camila?" She snapped unintentionally. "I'm getting married!" She ran her hand through her naturally wavy blonde hair, that was yet to be styled.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Stop, you are marrying your best friend." I told her sternly. "She's seen you at your worst and at your best."

She pushed my hands off her shoulders and began pacing again. "I can't do this." She muttered.

"Yes, you can." I grabbed her and spun her around to face the mirror. "Look at how beautiful you look. Don't think about your dad, think about the beautiful girl at the end of the aisle. Think about Papa leading you down that aisle." I said softly.

She took a deep breath, glancing up and down herself before dropping her head. "Thank you, Cami." She whispered, leaning against me. She hadn't called me 'Cami' in years.

At that moment, Lauren ran into the room. She wore a panicked look. Her baby pink dress, that stopped just above her knees, swung around her bare legs. "Lucy's here." She was breathing heavily from running.

I tensed slightly before hugging Quinn. "Let me handle the drama, you just think about marrying the love of your life." I whispered into her ear before pulling away.

Walking over to Lauren, I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers before gently pulling her out of the room.

"Where?" I asked, reaching up and caressing her cheek before pushing a fallen lock of hair behind her ear.

"The hall. She's talking to your mom. Lucas ran off. I don't know where he went." She panicked, trying to slow her breathing.

Pulling her against my body, I cupped her cheeks and leaned my forehead against her's. "Go get Liam and the girl's to help you find him, I'll deal with Lucy and my mother." I said softly, leaning forward and kissing her gently.

She kissed me back before pulling away and nodding. She ran off down the hall. I watched her before grabbing Santana's (Quinn's best friend and one of two bridesmaids) arm and pulled her over to me, disrupting her conversion with her wife. "Keep Quinn calm, please." I said.

Santana nodded and entered Quinn's dressing room.

Making my way down the hall, I groaned upon seeing my mother and Lucy talking.  "You need to leave." I said coldly, glaring at Lucy.

"What? Camzi, I was invited, remember." She giggled like a teenage girl who had just met their celebrity crush.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped closer. "Get the fuck out of here, you are no longer invited. Not after what you did to my son." Looking toward my mother, I tried to calm down. "You're talking to someone who thought it was okay to not only starve your four year old grandson but to hit him." I told her lowly.

My mother's expression changed. She turned to Lucy. "Get out, now." She used her intimidating voice and I swore I saw Lucy flinch.

Lucy stepped back and looked between us, "I was invited."

"Yeah, and now you're uninvited. Would you like me to get the cops involved?" I growled lowly, my entire body shaking with pent up anger.

Her expression faltered. "You can't do that." She stated.

"Really? Because, I'm pretty sure you're trespassing at a private event." I stepped toward her once more. "And I can very easily have it documented that you hurt my son."

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