Chapter 25

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I turned around on the bed and opened my eyes. I saw Camila sleeping, her arms wrapped around me protectively. I smiled at the sight, hoping this was real and not just my mind playing tricks on me. Her arms tightened around me gently as she moved closer, pressing her body flush against mine.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was midnight.
Crap, the kids. I pulled my arm out of her grip and shook her shoulder to wake her. "Camz, wake up." I shook her harder.

"Hmm?" She mumbled before opening her eyes and stretching. "What's wrong?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"The kids." I said, pulling out of her grip and getting up.

She sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "Mani has them, she wanted to keep them overnight."

"But Kinsley has to eat." I said, my panic growing. "I have to feed her." I pointed to myself.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into her arms. "She has the bottles you pumped from when I kept her. You made too many that day, so I told her to just take some."

I nodded, feeling really tired again. Why did panicking have to make me feel so weak and tired?

"Get some sleep, you need it and we perform in the morning." Camila mumbled tiredly, rolling so she is on top of me, her body resting between my legs and her face buried in my neck.

I yawned and after a few minutes, I was asleep again.


The next time I woke up, I was alone in bed. Did I dream that Camila had stayed the night?

"Lauren, time to get ready for school, I made you something to eat." Camila's voice said from the doorway.

"Hmmm." I hummed in response. I didn't want to get up. The bed was too warm and I was too tired. I didn't want to get up because Camila would make me eat and I wasn't in the mood for eating.

"Come on Laur, you have to get up, we have our performance today." She said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. "It's just toast, I have some to."

"I don't want to." I mumbled.

"You need to." She said in response, pulling me into a seated position. "Another reason Kinsley isn't eating for you is because you aren't producing as much milk."

I rolled my eyes and flopped back down on the bed, curling up on myself. Her expression darkened before she stood up, leaving the plate on the bedside table.

"I'll see you at school." She mumbled, standing up and leaving the room.

I sighed. Once the front door was shut, I got up and walked into the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Drying my hair as quickly as possible. I had to walk to school, so I had to leave now if I wanted to be on time.

Grabbing a piece of toast, I walked out of the house with my bag. And it's raining, just great. Sighing, I put my head down and began walking.

"Did you really think I would let you walk in this?" I heard a voice from behind me, looking up I saw Camila slowly inching her car along beside me.

"I want to walk. I like walking." I said, walking a little bit quicker and taking a small bite of the toast.

"You aren't walking in the rain, get in the damn car Lauren." She said following me in her car.

"No." I said, keeping my head forward and walking.

The car stopped and the sound of a door opening caught my attention. I tried to walk faster only for her to grab my arm and spin me around.

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