。beautiful thing

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story name: beautiful thing

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story name: beautiful thing

author: @sandpipergirl

underrated character: george weasley

reviewed by: MissMarleneYoung

chapters: 1-7 (ongoing)

Fourteen year old witch and aspiring author Helen Kamiñski suffers from a disfiguring disease which shaped the way some people think of her.

But when Helen gets to know George Weasley (after a disastrous first meeting) she is surprised that he couldn't seem to care less about her face. He's more concerned about her nonexistent sense of humor.

Helen's fourth year at Hogwarts becomes rather hectic as she juggles a new friendship (her first with someone who isn't dead) while trying to get her innumerable piles of homework done, figure out what is missing from her stories and learn to tolerate the ever hindering disease that runs in her blood.

And when she reached the end of the year, things only get more hectic.

This is a very unique plot idea; I don't believe that I've read anything like it!

Though we've only seen a small bit of George Weasley, he has been mostly in character. He is fun-loving and kind. One of the issues I have with him in your book, however, is when he pranks Helen. Yes, he is trying to make her laugh, but the Weasley twins haven't really shown an urgency to prank their friends (Harry goes through the whole series without getting directly pranked by them).

There are also some cases where Fred or George uses a word such as "dude" or "welp" that would be uncommon for them to say, seeing that they are wizards living in Great Britain in the 1990s. Maybe replace those words with ones more location and time fitting?

Other than that, George seems to be the same prankster twin that everyone knows and loves! So far, I'd give his character portrayal 6/10.

There are quite a few grammar errors, but they're easily fixable! There are some missing commas and incorrect uses of words like "your" or "you're".

I love how your main character, Helen, is not a "Mary Sue". George isn't attracted to her because of her looks; he wants to apologize for offending her. She is more interested in writing her stories than doing homework, and is gracious in ignoring the rude things her fellow students say to her. And Noah, her ghost best friend, is an incredible addition to the story.

All of your characters have their own story; they're not just there to be plot devices. I cannot wait to see them be further developed, and for there to be more interaction between George and Helen!

I hope that this review was helpful! Happy writing!

-Marlene Young

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